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Here is our dog Belle ... she is an English Cocker Spaniel, but we have only just chosen her from the litter a week and a half ago. We won't get her till the end of the month. My wife has a little count down calendar in the kitchen till we get to bring her home.


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Man, did you pick a topic...my love for my animals rivals (probably even surpasses) that for my cars...

Here's the laundry list:


My two boys (or kind of boys, they've both been gelded) Ariva (on the left, official name Ariva Ben Joe) and Tractor (on the right, official name Jump My Tracks).


A clearer shot of Ariva, a 13 year old whacked out monster (18.2 hands) thoroughbred we bought off the track:


A clearer shot of Tractor, a 28 year old not quite so whacked out thoroghbred that Jennifer has owned since he was 7:


Ariva as the Christmas moose:



Tina, a 10 year old female border collie / german shepherd cross (we think...). Smart as a whip and sweet as pie. I call her my follow dog, because whenever I'm around she's at my heels. Adopted her at about 10-11 months. She'd been found in a park and clearly abused. Now fully rehabilitated and just a happy, happy girl.




Meschak (RIP). Had to have the old boy put down this spring as his weak hind end finally caught up with him. Met him at the age of 10 months and brought him home at the age of 14 months (the same day we brought Tina home, they were buds...). When I met him he had been returned to his breeder (a friend of ours). He had severe mobility issues in his hind end and could barely stand up or walk. First vet I brought him to told me he had irreparable nerve damage and I should put him down on the spot. Did some investigating and determined that his issue was due to a side-effect of a mild steroid therapy (Prednisone) he had been put on for skin issue. Got him off the drugs (doggy rehab) and the exercised him constantly to build some muscle and movement. At his peak he was about 80%, but he lived to 11 years old and was a happy guy who never seemed to be in any pain. I miss him terribly...



To be continued...

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A plethora of kitties...

Spike, a 10 year old domestic short hair cat. If any of the cats could be considered mine, this is the one. Invariably sitting in my lap or wrapped around my neck.



Had to have his tail removed this spring due to a lack of blood flow to the tip and worries about infection and necrosis. A $1,400 operation but well worth it...he's a great cat...

Spike with his nice long beatiful tail:


A confused Spike in post-op condition:


Tyler, a 10 year old domestic medium hair cat who is a few cards short of a full deck, but very friendly. Tyler and Spike were adopted as kittens together from a SPCA foster home.



Pip, a 4 year old international cat of mystery. Why, because only Jennifer and I and perhaps a select few others have ever seen her. She was adopted as a kitten from the barn where we keep our horses.


Mocha (RIP). A bitchy, cantankerous siamese cat who nonetheless had her sweet moments and loved a sunbeam (see photo). Lived to the ripe old age of 18 when her body simply started to give out. I miss her, but there were times when she tested our patience.



We are relocating to just outside Montreal and we are putting an offer in on a 50 acre farm (garage space for 5/6 cars...think of the possibilities...). I shudder to think of the additions that will be made on the animal side.


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Here's a photo of my dog, Maggie, taken while she was sunbathing on my back deck. She's six years old, and weighs about seven and a half pounds.

She likes working on the Datsun with me, but I can tell you that it's tough working up under the dash with a dachshund sitting on your chest....


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