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Cats for me (us). While Deanna and I have had as many as 5 at once in the past, we decided a few years back that the number of cats should be the same as the number of available human laps to sit on at night. So for the past several years we're at two cats while our son was off to college. (The son has returned, we hope only temporarily, so no cat for him.)

The small (9 lb.) black and white cat is Patches (named for obvious reasons), who has selected my wife's lap as hers. She is pictured below perched on top of the drapery where she's not supposed to be, but she has the gift of levitation and can attain such lofty positions totally effortlessly. She also must have a Romulan cloaking device as she can sneak into and out of rooms and through doors without anyone noticing even if we're trying to pay attention.

The much larger (15 lb.) gray cat is Tuvok, named so because as a kitten he seemed aloof and emotionless - a typical Vulcan, we thought. (Plus we just thought it was a cool name for a cat.) Turns out we were wrong, and he is the most laid-back, easy-going cat we have ever shared our house with. In the first picture below he is pretending to be Lord-of-all-he-surveys. In the second he reveals an oddity - he is a cat of good taste. He loves to hang out in the presence of Datsun parts, especially wiring. Here he is sleeping next to the dash out of the yellow 240Z in the spare bedroom.

Despite all the obvious differences, the two are litter mates. Go figure.




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I'D like to introduce you to my two girls, Topsy and Cricket

Topsy's the fat one on the left. Anyone ever asks me if they're Jack Russells, I say NO !! they're mine.

Topsy is the more inteligent of the two and sticks her nose into everything. Whatever I might be doing, she's there supervising me to ensure it's done correctly. I'm convinced that with just a little training, she'd be able to tell the difference between a half nine open ender and a shifter.

Then there's Cricket. Now, I try not to show favoriteism as they're a pair of jealous buggers but I have to admit that Cricket has a special place in my heart. She's a real clown; smiles, dances, hops like a kangaroo and loves to run just for the heck of it. I call her the TART, (Prostitute) because, being a very affectionate dog, if you rub her chest, she'll roll onto her back for a tummy rub.

Believe it or not, Jack Russells are hunters, bred for rats and rabbits and absolutely HATE cats. (Sorry Arne).

During a recent visit by my son and his family, my son had been out jogging and was followed home by a dog that looked like a german shepherd crossed with some thing else that decided to jump the fence, following my son. Topsy spotted it first and got stuck in to the dog that was at least four times as big. Cricket heard the commotion and came running. without hesitation, she bored in hitting the poor, confused animal in the shoulder, nearly knocking it off it's feet. Being harrassed by a pair of fireballs with teeth, the dog decided that discretion is the better part of valour, the dog jumped back over the fence and I haven't seen it since. So, if you're looking for a dog that's small, inteligent, affectionate, loyal yet fiercely protective with the heart of a lion, you couldn't go past a Jack Russell.





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Hey there Arne,

Personally, I like cats, it's just Topsy and Cricket that hates them. Prior to getting my two girls, we had a huge Tabby, similar to Tuvok, but with more white on the face and belly. His name was Tiger and certainly lived up to the name. His favorite pastime was to sit on the corner post of the front fence. Any dog that decided to lift it's leg on the post would suddenly find a fury from hell perched on it's back being raked with claws and teeth. After the attack, Tiger would resume his position on top of the post. He lived to a ripe old age of about 18 but was a bit slow crossing the road one night. We buried him in the back yard and planted a bush over him.


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We've a couple of chocolate Labrador retrievers watching over us...The attached picture is from June 2006, so the little one (Shasta) is now the same size as Gennie (~65lbs). When they spot a cat on our walks I generally have my hands full trying to keep my balance and stay upright...I can't wait til the snow and ice come, because I'll be skiing around the block...

Gordon Garrard


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Well, it's pretty much cats on my end.... There have been many over the last 5 decades, each one with a distinctly different personality. Here's some pictures.... You'll also see my yellow Lab, Jake, (100 lbs. English) who takes all of the felines on as a friend. Oh, yes, almost forgot the Red-Eared Slider, Franklin. Actually the turtle is pretty smart. He's hooked on MeowMix and spaghetti, with fresh insects as a side dish in the summer. There were three horses in the stables, too, two Quarters and an Arabian, but that's past tense. My wife and I have a soft spot for critters. We have sworn that each one was "the last one", but then another shows up and we don't have the heart to ignore it.

Oh, yes, there is a frog/toad/whatever that hangs out in the back porch; he seems to come by every time there is beer - go figure.










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