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My Dad has a very nice rebuilt Chevy 400 in his 59 Chevy Apache and he's going to put something else in there, so he said I could have the Chevy 400 engine for free if I wanted it. I currently have a 78 280z and I want to drop a big V8 in there, but I don't really know how much work or money it's going to be. Can someone give me an idea? The real question is, since I likely need a head job on my in-line 6 stock motor that will cost around 700$ (guessing, that's what another guy on the forum paid), should I fix the stock engine or just put the Chevy 400 in there? And after that, my dad says that since the bore is bigger on the 400, there's no room for a water jacket around the cylinders, and the 400 heats quickly with no cheap way to cool it down. He said the 400 is for torque, not speed, but I don't plan on racing my Z, just make it a semi-daily driver. Should I wait for a Chevy 350 to come along cheap? And then there's the tranny that'll need to be switched out...

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Don't know that you'll get many responses about this swap. Most of the guys here are into keeping the Straight 6 engine, although there are a few Hybrid Z owner's. But Hybrid Z is the site where you'll get more information than here: www.hybridz.com (someone can correct me if I'm wrong with that URL).

But, if you're shying away from doing a head job on the original engine due to expense ($700'ish per your friend's guess, which may or may not be accurate), then even with a "free" engine there are still a BUNCH of items to consider in order to complete the swap. $700 may only be a DROP in the bucket of that exchange.

But, then again, I've not done nor am I familiar with the details of such an exchange.

But you need to answer something for yourself first, and that is what you will be using the car for. Daily driver? Have you considered the expense of a big bore V8 as far as gas economy, what like 10-15MPG if you don't tromp on it? Then you say "semi-daily" driver, you mean only when gas is below $3 a gallon? (Don't plan on driving it much do you?)

Then toss in your age, 24 going on 25....want to make a bet? I'll bet that as soon as you put a big bore V8 engine into the Z, you're going to tromp on the accelerator pedal HARD.

That's going to mean TICKETS, for speeding, show of power, and possibly even Reckless Driving. Not saying you're a bad person or that you have no self control, but rather that you will find yourself getting stopped and ticketed for those things because you will find yourself enjoying the sheer thrill of the acceleration and speed. (Been there, have the t-shirt, the sweat-shirt hoodie and all, heck have the sweat pants and the designer gym bag that goes with it, including the limited edition running shoes because of it.)

Then, your insurance will go up, or your Dad's coverage on his policy on you. Neither one of which you want. You might even find yourself having to research for a new insurance provider.

But, it IS your decision.

Check out Hybrid Z, they're better informed on V8 swaps.


The Chevy your Father is giving you would be a great candidate if this is what you want for your Z. You will likely find fuel mileage to be not too bad considering that engine will not be under much load , hauling the light Z. There are things like reinforcing the body of your Z to handle the greater HP. Weight wise the mod is about a toss up. by all means go to hybridz , there are many there that have done this change. No sense in re-inventing the wheel here. All the best, Gary

I would pass it up.

Having to be air cooled, I would not feel very comfortable with. I would imagine more problems caused then anything.

I would wait for some other V8 to come a long. hybridz.org is the place for you, and you will find that you can drop any V8 into the Z, so you don't have to be specific when you are looking.

  • 8 months later...

Go to HybridZ.org, this is a very desirable motor to put in a Z car, it is the largest displacement small block Chevy motor made. There are quite a few 400SBC Hybridz's running around. to get close to that dispalcement lots of people build a 383 stroker motor from a 350 using the crank from your motor, but there is no replacement for displacement!

This motor was my first choice for my own HybridZ but it is a rare to find one in good running condition that doesn't need a total rebuild. They were mostly made in the late 60's up to the mid eighties I think but look it up to be sure. I was going to go this route as I wanted old school carburator and SBC but ended up going with a Fuel injected 2nd generation LT1 350 SBC instead, I still may go with a 400 if the right deal comes along.

too bad your all the way across the country in CA or I would make an offer on the 400.

good luck,


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