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I just got a call from the police department in the next city and they found my Z! I have to go to the station, get a release form, then go to the tow yard and pick her up. I don't know what the interior looks like, but the guy said it wasn't stripped on the outside. I just hope they didn't mess up the engine any more than it was, because with even that small extra damage, I will have to sell the car, because there's no money to fix it. I'll post pictures when I get back if they damaged it, but hopefully it's fine.

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wow, your fortune has changed drastically from a high of building up a great car and then having it taken from you, now the joy of seeing it returned. i hope your fortune continues to out work your bad luck in a way that lets you keep the car and fix her good as new. best of luck to you.


Wow, that is awesome. I wonder how they got it? You know how they got it? Caught the guy, already sold it, or was it just sitting somewhere.

Hope your luck holds out and everything is a'ok inside and out. Now time for you to get a GPS thingie. Be able to get the last laugh next time!

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