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Took some pics of my rust. This is the worse area on my car and the only part im really worried about. The fenders w.e i can get new ones same with dogleg. Passanger side floorboard tho is ruuuusted. Is this fixable. Looks i will be purchasing a new floorboard and framerail soon :dead: Do the kits they sell go up that high what else you guys think i will need. This is my baby and i would really like to get her in tip top shape. Thanks.




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Well, it does look pretty bad:rolleyes:

However, If you intend to keep the car and are determined to repair it, and why not, I say go for the surgery.

It is a fair bit of real estate to cut and shut, but it can be done.

I would be careful about supporting the body in a few critical areas prior to doing the work, just to retain its' shape and alignment.

As you may already realise, the floor pans and rails are available from vendors, good place to start:)

It is not hard to cut patches to extend the floor pan up into that toeboard area, it is a simple curve without any difficult pressings.

Just make sure that the integrity of that chassis rail is restored before doing it.

It really is just a matter of:-

1. taking lots of pics. to help the reconstruction

2. careful removal of the rotten parts back to a decent thickness parent metal panel

3. cut and shape replacement panels from the appropriate thickness zinc annealed sheet

4. rebuild the area from the inside out.

I know there is a lot of work in each and every one of those steps but if you want to keep it.....

Can you weld?

If you can then you will be able to do most of the repairs, otherwise you will need to enlist a Shop/welder to do it for you.

For some consolation, have a look at the state of my '65 SP310 in my Shutterfly site:tapemouth:tapemouth

It has turned into quite a challange:rolleyes::rolleyes:

My bottom line to a question such as yours is: -

"It's only metal, it can be repaired":devious:

Before you go much further...what do your rocker panels and the rear fender wheel wells look like?

If the rockers and the wheel well edges are also bad, I would recommend you salvage whatever parts you can and bid adieu....there is just too much to try to salvage it without a MAJOR investment in time, money and new metal.

Sorry to be so blunt, but otherwise you'll delude yourself into thinking it won't be so bad and spend literally THOUSANDS of dollars and still not see the end.

Post pictures of the rockers from the outside and also after removing the inner vinyl. The wheel fender edges should not have any bubbling or visible rust...otherwise you are guaranteed they're close to gone.



Oh yeah...that's bad. I agree with Nissanman, and wouldn't hesitate tackling a job like that. But we have been doing this kind of thing a long time. It is after all just metal. With the right tools you can bend, shape, cut, weld anything into shape. It's actually fun. But if you have to contract this work out to a shop I would have to echo the words of EScanlon. And the fact your asking for advise tells us your not equipt to take this job on yourself. If you have the determination to dig into it, you can do like others have and do all the preliminary cutting, shaping and temporary placement of the new metal. Then you can hire a pro to weld it up for you. You would need to do your homework first. It really is hard to advise someone what to do with rust damage such as this unless we know more about you, your workspace/tools and abilities.

Ouch is right. I dont feel so bad now with the 2 inch hole I found last week in the passenger frame rail of my car :)

Actually, I am still saddened by it. I am a novice to all of this at best and know my limitations. I couldnt imagine tackling a job like that myself, hopefully you have the knowledge and tools, or the money to pay someone. Good luck.

I feel better about the damage to my car. I am no expert and have seen pictures of worse that were fixed. Just takes time and money. I have the time ,not the money.:disappoin The zedd findings replacement parts look like what I need for my passenger side. That is the best part about this site. All of the good info.

Na the lips of the fenders are totally fine. The rocker panels are fine too just the dog leg has a little bit of rust not even that much, i removed all the carpeting and from the inside the only thing wrong is the floorboard right there. Inner rocker panel is totally fine was pushing on it to feel for any rust i couldnt see. Rest of interior is fine and the rust doesnt extend too far back on the passenger side just foward. On the back behind the wheels is a touch of rust but not anything too big that im worried about. The rear bumper is rusted so i had looked under it expecting the worse. Looks new under it not a spot of rust anywhere and feels sturdy. Front fender have a lil rust on the outside but i saw those for cheap so not really worried. Sounds like alot but it isnt that bad except for the passanger floorboard.

And yea im ready to spend thousands on the Z but i dont see it as a bad thing. Easier to do that than try to save and buy a whole rust free Z and get it shipped.

Before you go much further...what do your rocker panels and the rear fender wheel wells look like?

If the rockers and the wheel well edges are also bad, I would recommend you salvage whatever parts you can and bid adieu....there is just too much to try to salvage it without a MAJOR investment in time, money and new metal.

Sorry to be so blunt, but otherwise you'll delude yourself into thinking it won't be so bad and spend literally THOUSANDS of dollars and still not see the end.

Post pictures of the rockers from the outside and also after removing the inner vinyl. The wheel fender edges should not have any bubbling or visible rust...otherwise you are guaranteed they're close to gone.



I agree with E. Did you ever see the movie "The Money Pit"? Well, before you sink a lot of money into it, I would part out the car and look for something else that doesn't have so much rust. To be candid: your car is too far gone and there are a lot more Zs available out there. Check out this thread that discusses low-rust cars available in Arizona at very reasonable prices:


From the pictures , unless you have some sentimental attachment to the Z , like it was your Dad's car and he bought it new and was the first on in the area. That sort of thing. Also you have vary deep pockets, this is a parts car. Sure it can be salvaged but it wont be cheep and easy. Personally I wouldn't do it. Gary

I have got two solid years in my 70, doing the repairs that will be required to bring your car up to safe to drive. My car had no where the damage to the under seat frame rail. You can say that there is not much damage to the rockers or fender wells but, my experience with these cars is once you cut into them the amount of repair required grows every day.

To make your car safe looks to me that the right frame rail needs to be replaced from the radiator support to the firewall / floor board after that is all replaced. If you have the space and equipment to do this along with the down time of the car go for it. Other wise find a better car to start with.

If the truth be known when I started mine and if I had not bought it from my mother and kept it in the family all these years I would have scrapped this one. It has turned out to be a beautiful car. Benefit from my learning’s and make the hard decisions up front.

Listen to the over all message here. Do you have the skill, tools, space and time to take this on? Because you are asking these questions I have to agree with the guys above. Look for another car you will be both money and time ahead. I will not tell you how much money I have in the repairs on this one. It adds up in a hurry!!!

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