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Other than your own Z's, How often does anyone actually see a vintage Z (70-73 240) on the road? I know in the DC metro area I have not seen a one in the last year!!! Its rare enough to see a 1st gen RX7 because of the rotaries dying!

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In the Northern Kentucky/Cincinnati area... Unless its a club meet or a track day, I NEVER see another 240Z. I watched a kid rear end a truck in his 260... driver was fine....260 wasn't. I got a tear in my eye seeing its demise... was very sad :(

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On a 2600 mile round trip drive to the west coast this summer my son and I never seen another Z car. With all the major centers we went through I thought for sure we'd see other Z's. I guess that's why mine attracted so much attention. I like "living out of the box". Everyone knows most of the classic cars out there (camaro,corvette,mustang,etc.) Alot of people we talked to on the trip never heard of Datsun let alone a 240Z.

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Now you see, I find that bizzare. I live in Covina in Southern California, and I see anywhere from 1 to 3 every day. And I'm talking first generation here. I would rather the car be more rare around here, so as to make mine a rare sight for others. But for me, I like seeing other Z's. My car's been garaged/in the shop since I got it a couple of months ago, so I haven't really been able to tell how much attention it attracts. I hope it's a lot when I get her out, she's got a great paint job.

(Plus, as you see in my avatar, she can fly) =)

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I never see anything in Western Maryland other than a few 350 z's. To my knowledge, my 1972 240 is the only one left in the area. I have owned mine since 1980 and not seen another 240/260/280 for at least 10 years. Rust gotten to most of them in this area. A buddy of mine does have a 260 that has been in storage for about 20 years. When I take mine out everyone wants to know what it is. Last summer I dropped off my daugher at the movies and the car was surrounded by people wanting to know about the car. It's good to see people are interested and like the looks of the Z even though they don't know what it is.

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In the past year, I have seen two on the road, techinically, one on the road and another being trailered :)

What was really funny was a couple months ago I pull into a gas station and see an older guy fueling up an ole Opel Gt, '72-'73 maybe. He took off before I had a chance to get out to go chat with him. I commented to my wife I hadnt seen one of them in YEARS.

Then, later that day, on the other side of town, I see another Opel GT! (Different color, so no, it wasnt the same one :) )

I wish there were a few more first gen Z's around here!

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John - I have not seen a Z anywhere in Maryland for years. I drive from near Deep Creek Lake (Wisp) to Ocean City, MD every summer for vacation and never see an old Z. I am in your area several times a year and never see any. I hope you can find one to buy. You may have to go south. My Z is put away for the winter. We had 12" of snow yesterday and the temp was at 3 F last night. The roads will be nothing but salt until the end of winter. I hope to be back on the road with the Z by late April after the rain washes off the roads. I've got my 77 Ford 4x4 with a 351 running for the winter -- what a gas hog! -- but I never get stuck...

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