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"Battery Desulfation" Snake oil or what?

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Was doing some digging on causes of battery failure and what actually happens to the battery when its gone bad. I found a bunch of information about battery desulfation and how this can double or triple the life of a new battery or save a battery that appears to have gone bad.

These guys www.batterylifesaver.com sell a device that connects to the battery and runs with out a external power source. It appears to have a capacitor and other circuitry that once the capacitor is charged up it spikes the battery with a pulse that over time dissolves the sulfation or will prevent it from forming on a new battery.

I also found these guys www.wizbangplus.com that have one for $35 shipped to your door and a few bucks less on eBay.

This device draws 45 milliwatt and can draw a battery down over time so the car has to be driven or have a float charger connected if it sets for a extended period of time.

Any opinions?

I just use a 'Schumacher battery companion' when I plan on leaving the vehicle idle for long periods of time. That would be the truck mainly becuse the Z does get driven at least once a week. The truck only gets driven about 5 or 6 times a year and I used to have battery problems with it until I started using this about 5 years ago. No problems since.

What-ever you decide on, just remember to clean both terminal and post with a battery tool (round wire brush with post cleaner on bottom) Clean all corrosion with a simple mix of Baking Soda and water (1 Tablespoon Baking soda to 6 ounces of water) This will neutralize the acid and is enviromentally safe. And practically free as most people have this in the house already.

Go to the auto parts store and get the "spray on" Battery Terminal Protectant. Spray sparingly to lightly coat all exposed Lead. All other terminals in the engine compartment should have a light coat of "Di-electric Grease" which will stop or severely slow down corrosion and (oxygen and water) problems.

I found blue corrosion in my ZXP plug and have yet to find anymore now that the terminals are coated with the di-electric grease (light bulb socket grease)

Good Luck,


Was doing some digging on causes of battery failure and what actually happens to the battery when its gone bad. I found a bunch of information about battery desulfation and how this can double or triple the life of a new battery or save a battery that appears to have gone bad.


Any opinions?

As I understand it - lead/acid batteries sulfate when they are less than fully charged, and/or left in that state for some prolonged periods. So keeping a starting battery fully charged, greatly reduces the speed with which it would sulfate in the first place.

I started keeping all my batteries on digitally controlled maintenance chargers about 15 years ago. The effect was to increase battery life from their former 24 to 36 month life cycle - to 72 to 84 months. Not to mention the fact that I am able, at any time, to go start any car I want to drive, without finding a dead battery.

I've been using a GUEST brand, that a friend recommended, and which happened to be on sale at the time at a local Marine Supply Store... as I recall I paid about $39.95 for them on Sale.. {regular $69.96}


It looks like the retail price has come down over the years.. $33.39.

Some of the other brands on the market offer different "hook-up" options, but this one has worked well for my Z's and other cars with under-hood mounted, starting batteries.

So the question is, "is it worth $99.00 to $119.00" to add the feature you ask about {de-sulfate} - and/or does it really work any better than simply keeping the battery fully charged in the first place?". I don't know, and I'd guess it would be six to seven years before you'd be able to measure any difference as applied to newer batteries.

I do not know about "saving" batteries that are already "bad".

I'm not motivated to replace the existing float/maintenance chargers with this newer technology, and I wouldn't be motivated to spend all that much extra for a feature with questionable value - at least until it has been on the market for years and when there would be far more consumer feedback available.


Carl B.

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