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Well, upon ordering a new driver's side seat belt for my 1972 240z through this website:


They are actually US Auto Parts Network, and I even called them to make sure that the seat belt I ordered was the right one. Received it today, and it wasn't even close. It was a universal 2pc retractable belt.

Well, I gave them a call, and they are going to give me a refund, but not on the shipping and handling, when the S&H is half of the item itself. I will be going to the BBB website later and putting in a complaint in hopes of getting the refund on the S&H itself. And believe me, I tried to get that refunded also.

Stay away from these people.

Any others to stay away from, please post here for us all.

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I think it needs to be said that when you make a mail order purchase it is usually expected that returns will be less s/h. Many companies artificially inflate the s/h charge and that is a crooked thing to do. You seem to indicate that this was the issue in this case, and if so that is a problem that should be reported to the BBB, or you could dispute the charge with your credit card company.

On the other hand many customers expect that they won't have to pay the shipping charges either way if they return something that was as advertised. This is also unreasonable in my estimation.

I've changed my policy in my own mail order business, so that I give free shipping, but then deduct the s/h charge from the refund if the customer returns at no fault of ours. That seems to work for most people, but still occasionally you get someone who doesn't want to pay shipping in either direction. It just doesn't work that way in most places.

One more thing, there isn't ANY generic parts dealer that is going to have a direct replacement part for a 35 year old Japanese car. It just won't happen. So if you want an exact replacement part you're going to have to go to the dealer. If they don't have the belts anymore then you're going to have to get an old seatbelt rewebbed, or use a generic one.

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I don't have any problem paying for shipping for one way, especially when I was told the it was suppose to be a replacement over the phone. But not both ways. I will be reporting this to the BBB also, especially after I was lied to. And also, mine just needs new spirng assemblies for both sides, in which I haven't been able to come up with something to work, yet...

However, I spoke with MSA today, and there is a company that is making a 3 point retractable system that will work with the 70 and up 240 Z's that's suppose to bolt right in. I'll wait for taxes to come in and see for myself, and post on here the results of the system.


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Okay, let's try to fill in some of the missing data.

There are two seatbelts listed at that website. One is a 3 point belt for $93.56, and the other is clearly labeled as a two point belt for $16.95. On the listings for both, it says "OEM No: NA".

Did you order the 3 point belt and receive the 2 point belt?

Did you order the 2 point belt because it was so cheap?

Did you expect to receive a set of genuine Nissan seat belts?

Did they not fit properly in the car?

Why would you want 2 point belts when 3 point belts are available?

(By the way, the 131 inch belts they advertise might be a tad short.)

Were you just trying to go the cheap way out for your safety?

FWIW I bought the 3 point belts from WESCO after someone else on the forum mentioned them. I am satisfied with the installation. You can find pictures of them in my gallery. I did make a mistake and ordered the shorter belts available. However, the company exchanged them no problem with me having to pay for shipping back to them.

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Okay, let's try to fill in some of the missing data.

There are two seatbelts listed at that website. One is a 3 point belt for $93.56, and the other is clearly labeled as a two point belt for $16.95. On the listings for both, it says "OEM No: NA".

Did you order the 3 point belt and receive the 2 point belt?

Did you order the 2 point belt because it was so cheap?

Did you expect to receive a set of genuine Nissan seat belts?

Did they not fit properly in the car?

Why would you want 2 point belts when 3 point belts are available?

(By the way, the 131 inch belts they advertise might be a tad short.)

Were you just trying to go the cheap way out for your safety?

FWIW I bought the 3 point belts from WESCO after someone else on the forum mentioned them. I am satisfied with the installation. You can find pictures of them in my gallery. I did make a mistake and ordered the shorter belts available. However, the company exchanged them no problem with me having to pay for shipping back to them.

Ok, I was LIED to when I called them and was told that this was a suitable replacement for the lap belt portion of the 3 point system. I asked the right questions and everything else. The fact that I was lied to s what got me. When the mistake was the company's fault, and not the consumer's, then it is a different story.

That is what I got when I talked to them today. They even said that the belt will not work in my car at all. I was lied to when I called them the first time in this case. I don't mind paying for S&H both ways if its something I ordered, and then don't need it because I found something else to use, but not in the case to where I was lied to to begin with. I asked all the right questions, and got something that is only suitable to be used in a back seat, middle of the back seat at that. At least I'm getting the money for the part back. And I will be reporting this to the BBB.

In the mean time, I found a suitable replacement belt from a 1971 240z, and I also talked to MSA today, and they have somene that is making a 3 point retractable system that is going to replace the seat belts for the 240z's from 1970 on up. When taxes come in, I will get a set of these and see how they work, and post the results when done.

By the way, I have a hard time articulating what I'm trying to say, so it does get frustrating for me sometimes when trying to communicate what I mean.

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I'm afraid you're going to be "pissin' into the wind" with this.

The picture alone for the 3 point shows a generic seat belt/shoulder strap variety seatbelt...with the addition of a retractor. The 2 point system at $16.05 with a part number that is exactly as the 3-point part number except for the addition of a "-2" at the end....says that it would be the same basic item...except no retractor.

That you heard or understood that it was a direct bolt-in, or a direct replacement for the one in your car....I think was due to "selective listening".

Don't get angry and don't assume this is a flame. We've ALL found ourselves "selectively listening" at some point or another. Whether it was that "Rare" part or that "Rust-Free" car....it's a sad fact that your expectations can be the biggest reason for dissatisfaction.

You can label it as their lying to you, if that makes you feel better, but from here, it looks to be more you lying to yourself than admitting you were in error.

As far as to who should pay for the shipping? You. From what I saw on their site, they sell many items like JC Whitney does...only a few get specific as to make, model and year. There are a TON of items that are universal though.

Would those belts work in your car? You could probably make them work, but you thought you were getting more than you were paying for. That's what is galling you.



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Oh...and the TANSTAAFL coup de grace too...

Bite down hard Justin, I think E is right. Even if the person on the phone induced you in error, there is a certain amount of caveat emptor involved in the due diligence on the purchase.

Troll the sites, you should be able to find something on line for a replacement, particularly on the west coast.

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E, you captured my sentiments precisely and eloquently.

Jason, I would not be surprised if both you and the person you talked with about the seatbelts experienced some selective listening. It's all too easy to do that over the phone.

Frankly, would I do business with this company? Probably not. The fact that they offer oxygen sensors for a 240Z indicates to me that they know almost nothing about specific models. Keep in mind that for a place like MSA, you're not just paying for the part. You're also paying for some of the knowledge they have acquired about the specific models. IMHO that does add value to the product.

I suggest that you just write off your loss on this one and vow never to go back to that vendor. If you want advice/input on seat belts, you might want to start a separate thread, too. I've tried several different options, myself.

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  • 1 month later...

For those of you interested - I just ordered MSA's new "Z" seat belt with the shoulder harness for my 1973, 240z. Once they come in - I'll install them and try to post some pic's as well. I hope they are top quality and fit nice.

I have my stock ones that are a bit combersome and I'm quite honestly worried about overall safety. I'm hoping the MSA ones resolve both my concerns.

Many thanks and stay tuned !

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Well, anyhow, not worth beating this dead horse anymore. At least I'm getting a refund. But when I get the belts from MSA, I will start a new thread on seat belts.

Check out the belts from Wesco they are real nice. I might be the one that Steve got the info from. My best purchase to date for my 73 was the Wesco belts.

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