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hey bart. believe it or not i've toyed with both those color schemes, before deciding on keeping the period look. conclusion i came up with was a) candy red. brilliant color which gives real depth to s30 lines but bit of a fashion color so may look out of place in the future. B) gunmetal & stripes eleanor style. the 240 is not a big bulky car like a mustang, so unless you go the whole hog marc rolston style (see pic) and really beef your car it may not have the desired affect. hope that helps.

Black and chrome is also a killer combination, always loved that color.

I went from orange to yellow . It was a toss up which color. Sense it was a total repaint now now orange can be found anywhere . I had contemplated a dark blue, that looked black it was so dark. Beautiful color but decided that I wanted more visibility . Kind of ''why blend in when you can stand out'' sort of thing. Also like was mentioned dark colors show EVERY little blemish. When I was looking for a color, I went to PPG's web site and looked at the color chart for he different countries and what was popular at the time. Blue was #1 in the US and Silver in Europe . Australia # 1 was yellow . In the US yellow was way down the list. Since I did like the color I started looking around for yellow cars. This was '04 and Ford had just introduced the '05 Cobra in ''Screaming Yellow'' and this is what I picked. Now yellow is everywhere. LOL I think Z cars and body shapes similar look best with bright colors. My 2 cts. Gary

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