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The wonders of a spray can and paint

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I recently won these RED side panels on EBay, however my 71's interior is Butterscotch.....so I grapped a Preval sprayer and some color matched paint and.....poof...new panels.

This project turned out better than I expected so I'm going to tackle the plastic panels so everything looks new.

I'll throw up some more photos as the project rolls along.



Hi Randy,

How'd the vinyl turn out? Looks good on the panels. I redid my plastic as well, but it was black on black. To get good adhesion I would scuffed the plastic with some 320 or 400. I then used some plastic primer (found at Lowes) which does a great job helping paint bond to plastic, PVC and similar materials. SEM's line of vinyl paint is quite good for the task.

Good luck!


Hey Steve,

Thanks for the advice, I have already scuffed and primed with plastic primer as you suggested. I am anxious to get these painted but our weather has been horrible, I guess I could plug back in the garage heaters.....

The vinyl turned out pretty good, on the passenger side trans tunnel it still has a few wrinkles that I need to work on. It was harder than I thought working with the contact cement and getting everything positioned correctly, but it sure looks better than before.

Here's a few shots of the progress. When the entire process is complete I'll start another thread with the before and after pictures.

Hope things are well with you,



PS...Read about you in this months Nissan Sport, I didn't know you were famous! .......LOL




.....The vinyl turned out pretty good, on the passenger side trans tunnel it still has a few wrinkles that I need to work on. It was harder than I thought working with the contact cement and getting everything positioned correctly, but it sure looks better than before.

Here's a few shots of the progress. When the entire process is complete I'll start another thread with the before and after pictures.

Hope things are well with you,



PS...Read about you in this months Nissan Sport, I didn't know you were famous! .......LOL

That vinyl looks just fine to me. I see what you mean about the passenger side, but I bet it's barely noticeable with the seats in place.

Can't wait for the final pics! I know'll you enjoy it. Hey--what's the story on your carpet?

BTW, your orange Z (and by the looks of it the green one, too) could easily take the place of my Z. Just submit a pic of it to the editors!)

Hey Jim,

I'm not sure of the brand as it was mixed for me by a local shop. It is very similar to SEM, but it is not that brand name.

If SEM had this color I would have gone with them.

I also painted my plastic panels with the same paint, and I'll let you know how it turns out when I get finished. I did use a Plastic Primer however before painting.

Take care,


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