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2008 Int'l Convention Sep 28 - Oct 3

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Judging, judging, judging.... I was up at 5:30 am on judging day, drove 25 minutes to the hotel, then drove right back to the fairgrounds (and left my car by the street, then walked 1/3 mile down the driveway) before anybody else got there to help direct traffic...

Didn't anybody go on the bus tour, or go to the track day, or the Autocross, or the Poker Run?? How about the dinner cruise? What did you guys do "after-hours??" I know where Chris & Will were! ;) :tapemouth

I got to talk with Fred Jordan Friday morning during breakfast. Nice guy. Did you guys meet anybody interesting in psticular, like Fred, or the AMS guys or Some of the gorgeous local news-anchors? Did you talk to the NissanSport editor?

How about some stories of something interesting you did, or got, or saw, or someone you met?


I had a blast meeting all of you and connecting the names with the faces. Unfortunately, I had to work, so I could only make it a one day trip. I would have loved to have seen a roster posted on the Cleveland Rockz website that showed each owner next to their car with their real name as well as their online name for whatever site(s) they frequent. I 'm sure there are people I talk to online that were there that I missed or never got their real name.

Going back to judging for a moment (sorry Tom), I don't know the owner's name, but did the Black Pearl in the center isle win anything in the stock class? I'm no judge, but I thought that car stood out from the rest as a stocker.

Judging, judging, judging....How about some stories of something interesting you did, or got, or saw, or someone you met?

Well Tom, on the day of the judging on our arrival your car was the first I seen, parked in the long driveway you mentioned. Your car is instantly recognizable as being yours no matter where it is, because the color makes it really stand out. If you ever repaint it, keep it that color! I made it a point to look you up, and caught up with you later on giving your car a final buff & polish before judging. I met and spoke with many members of this site and missed some too. I did recognize many of the cars also. I agree with what Jeff said about some method being devised to link owners/cars. I was only a spectator, the day of the show with no responsibilities other than drinking in the beauty and enjoying myself, and seen how busy all the participants and judges were. It was a very enjoyable day.

I remember meeting you Ron, and mgood, at the car show. I ran into Will & Chris at the Sunday night party, even though Will had been in town since thursday night, I think, but I was too busy with setup stuff to hang with them. O - L...

It's a good thing the convention was here where I live or I wouldn't have been able to go; I don't get vacation time.

As for showing your mug & name, maybe we can get a CZCC nametag thing going (with your mug & car photo, aliases, etc.) here so you can wear it whever you go.



Edited by TomoHawk

Round I Engine,Judge known to be very consistant & uses the flashlight.

Round II Engine,Judge added 22 points of deductions and I only drove out of the building. Hard to accept with very little explaination in comments.

What was even more interesting was Interior 1 point difference between round I & II

Exterior 10 additonal points deducted but excellent notes to actual help improve my restoration.This is the quality judging any GM participant will appreciate.

Hats off to the volunteers who make these events special!:classic:

Good Day! Rest In Peace Mr.Harvey



  • 5 months later...

When you get that big of a difference between judges it can only mean two things:

1- the judges don't have the same way of judging.

2- You car isn't so perfect that two different judges can give the same results.

So you get to keep working on whatever the deductions were, to get it all to perfection or correctness.

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