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I went to the Magazines website and found some good info. I also found the "Buyers Guide" in a PDF.


Dave, that is the same guide I discussed here:


but it is a different cover from the May 2007 Practical Classics issue I was talking about.

my mag is april 2000 issue

What store did you go to to find a 7+ year old Magazine still sitting on the shelf? Are they that lazy or did you find this a long time ago, and just now got to share?

It's early and I think I'm confused. :stupid:


What store did you go to to find a 7+ year old Magazine still sitting on the shelf? Are they that lazy or did you find this a long time ago, and just now got to share?

It's early and I think I'm confused. :stupid:


i found it at value village.(only in canada) people donate stuff for charity. it's like a salvation army or goodwill. i'm guessing maybe a relative pass away who collected them and they were given to charity. l found it last summer.

i found it at value village.(only in canada) people donate stuff for charity. it's like a salvation army or goodwill.

We have Value Villages all over Washington State. That's where I find all my 28/32 Levi 501's. I buy in bulk there. And I donate alot, damn kids keep growing out of their clothes. If it weren't for Value Village, my 5 kids would probably be naked half the time. They're great when money is tight.

Great find,


We have Value Villages all over Washington State. That's where I find all my 28/32 Levi 501's. I buy in bulk there. And I donate alot, damn kids keep growing out of their clothes. If it weren't for Value Village, my 5 kids would probably be naked half the time. They're great when money is tight.

Great find,


I couldn't agree more Dave. Now, only if they had Z parts....


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