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'73 240Z Rear Defroster

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Here is a 1972 240Z Series III schematic. It has been reliable for me. I have added a small map at the bottom that partially traces the path from the ignition switch to some major components.  (I did a lot of work making it large to aid in distinguishing colors.)  

Anything related to automatic transmission or air conditioning has been faded out.

The 20A fuse for the defroster circuit is a small distance to the right of the fuse box.

I've found at least one inconsistency on my car: the yellow/black leading from the windshield washer tank does NOT change color after coming through the firewall.  I'm doing some stuff with battery disconnected so haven't tested that path beyond that point yet.

I couldn't resist adding a pic of my baby.



SCHEMATIC 72 -Full -July 2023 Copy_.png


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