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Those 2+2 cars are just butt ugly. No one else will say it so I did. There are a couple of them on Craigs list out here and they can"t give them away. I know where another one is sitting. They are a pig with wings. All years of themLOL However this is only my opinion.They were the result of a bad dream somewhere in Japan. I have no problem if someone wants to restore one, it's not gonna be me. And as Escanlon said somewhere down the road they may be worth something. They may be rare, but they sure are ugly.:eek:

Those 2+2 cars are just butt ugly. No one else will say it so I did. There are a couple of them on Craigs list out here and they can"t give them away. I know where another one is sitting. They are a pig with wings. All years of themLOL However this is only my opinion.They were the result of a bad dream somewhere in Japan. I have no problem if someone wants to restore one, it's not gonna be me. And as Escanlon said somewhere down the road they may be worth something. They may be rare, but they sure are ugly.:eek:

Ummm.....I think "ugly" is overstating it. I've seem much uglier cars. At least the 2+2's still look like a Z.

They were the result of a bad dream somewhere in Japan.

That's where you're wrong. The two-seater 240Z was a highly desirable car, and there was great demand for a four-seat version. You may think that the addition of a rear seat ruins the classic lines of the 240Z, but people at the time didn't seem to mind.

Roughly 20% of the 260Z production run for 1974 were 2+2 models. That percentage only went up for the 280Z's. A lot of people wanted a Z, but couldn't own one because they had a family. The 2+2 solved that problem.

Stephen is right about the 810 in a way, because that car was the Maxima of its' day. But the reason that it doesn't have the following and the mystique of the Z is because it's a boxy sedan, and it doesn't stand out from the crowd the way that the Z does.

When? I'm nearly 58 years old now.

Probably not in our life time, but what a present to leave your kids!:P


PS, My first Z was a '76 2+2 and I had some absolutely unbelievable times in and around that car, It waZ exceptionally valuable to me.

I sold it for a song to an enthusiast who I thought would get the same enjoyment out of it I did, but It was in the local pick a part less than a year later, and I didn't find it soon enough...:cry:

Only time will tell....

Personally I do not find them offensive. Nor do I wish to own one.

But, Will, you have a good point, but what a present to leave your kids! (Kinda like the Mazda stock my dad bought for $0.75 a share. Too bad he didn't buy a bunch of it.)

Those 2+2 cars are just butt ugly. No one else will say it so I did. ..

Maybe because you're wrong?

The 2+2 looks like a 2 seater from the front, and even from the rear it can be hard to discern a difference. It's only from the side that you can notice it, and even then I've noticed people NOT notice that it's a 2+2 until it's pointed out to them.

So, if you're calling the 2+2 bugly, take a look at a 2 seater and a 2+2 BOTH from the front and tell us the differences, THEN try to tap-dance your way out of your statement.


Stephen, don't loose hope. Or are you planning on checking out soon?

The Z has tripled in value in the last 7 years according to NADA, Kelly Blue Book, and even the Gold Book. The 2+2 isn't yet at the value of the 74 260, but it HAS risen also. It's future value may be as soon as another 7 years down the road.

But as a lot of you have mentioned, it isn't the value of the Z that drew you to the car...or were you guys lying?

While the 2+2 does have a modified look in profile from the same year Z, it is by far nowhere as different as the 350Z is from the original concept car presented back in 2001, or even the supposed "origin" idea 240Z it was supposed to have been derived from.

The basic point here is simple...while it may not be YOUR choice, like white/gold/lime-green color Z's, blue or tan interiors, spoilers, louvers, sunroofs, overriders, cut pile or loop carpeting, racing seats or original, speakers in the doors or in the tail-light panel, it may very well BE someone's choice, and to immediately begin denigrating it....well, that's just plain ignorant.

That's the kind of B.S. that passes for "discussion" at another forum. There the competition seems to be as to who can put together the most inane amount of gibberish in the form of an insult or "put-down" of others, and not in helping nor trying to help ALL members of the Z community.

If that is what you purport to share...then leave.

There I said it.


I am a little suprised to hear the negatives. When this car came out I was impressed that my favorite car on the planet was now available in 2 + 2, I thought it was a good solution that didn't wander too far from the original principal of the 240.

As to looks - it works for me in a slightly different way than the 2 seater, but I would still like to have one.

Value - I don't know - less than a two seater - probably.

I will apologize for saying the 260 2+2 is ugly. Quite frankly in my opinion only it is not attractive or appealing. However I did say if someone wanted to restore one I don't have any problem with that. Not trying to discourage anyone here. If it makes you happy, it's your car. :love: So rock on Brother.

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