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Turn signal lever is clicking....

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My turn signal arm just started "clicking" when I turn the steering wheel, in other words when backing the car out and turning the wheel left or right the arm or lever will move just a bit and click.

Any idea what this is?

Before I opened the steering cowl cover I thought I would ask you guys to see if anyone else has ever had this issue.



PS....its a 1971 240Z

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Randy, you're going to either have to remove the column cover, or the steering wheel, take your pick. It sounds to me like the turn signal canceling cam(s) need cleaning and lubricating.

It's probably easier to see what's going on with the steering wheel off.

Is this car your daily driver? Because if not, Dave on this site can fix your switch for you if your willing to send it to him. Just PM Zs-Ondabrain for more information and to set something up. He's great at renewing these things.

Thanks for the input folks,

I took the cover off and began my investigation, it looks like the brass piece is the issue.

When I turn the wheel the two small post that actually cancel the signal after you turn are just barely hitting the brass piece..(sorry, I don't know what that piece is called) I pulled both small clips out of the way (theses are the pieces that the post actually push down) and it didn't click....but I don't see anyway to adjust it.

Arne, it may be the cancelling cam you refered to, is that the brass piece?



Like Arne said, time for a good cleaning and lubing. I don't know what's all over the pivot arms but they look dirty. Lube all the pivoting areas and squirt a little on the springs as well.

Sounds like a little maintanence will fix ya right up. When they stop working or start giving ya trouble, give me a buzz.


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