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Hey guys, Picked up a 72 240z recently and when I hit the key I get absolutely nothing (no clicking, etc). I bought a new ignition switch and threw that in today but still, nothing and no noise. Right now I have a jumper going from the + on the battery and the + on the coil with a jumper on the solenoid that I tap on the + of the battery. With this hooked up the car starts fine. When I try the key with the coil jumper hooked up, some of the interior dash lights go on (brake light and gauges work) and I get some clicking from the key. When I turn the key to start with the jumpers, the volt meter moves and the dash lights die (battery needs to be charged). At this point im thinking its a bad solenoid. When I went to tighten one of the connections on the solenoid the front face where all of the connectors are plugged in spun with it. It was like the end of the solenoid (the black part) was detached from the case. I have power going to the solenoid, but my car does nothing... Anyone have any ideas on how to fix this?? I might just try and pick up a new solenoid when I go in to pick up my alternator tomorrow.

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Just went out and messed with the car a little. All of the wires are still on the coil, I just have another wire on there running to the + on the battery. Once I pull that wire from the + on the battery though, the car dies. Nothing happened without the hot on the coil. Yet, with that wire on, when I would turn the key to about midway from lock to off the starter would engage for a second and it suddenly started the car. When turned to on, the brake light on the dash would go out, and when turned to start it would bright back up a little and the starter would spin but not engage(could only get it to do that sometimes). I can only get the lights to work if I have the car running and have the key turned to start, anywhere else they do nothing. Someone help me clear up these gremlins :( I really wanna start to drive the car.

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^^ That was with all the wires connected. Fuse link, Black and yellow (Spade connector) and the jumper to the coil. Im pretty sure the spade connector goes to the coil though anyway? You think it might just be the solenoid? Seems like a pretty good idea to me..

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I understand your frustration, and wish I could give you more definitive advice. Perhaps one of the veterans can weigh in...

Don't forget the basics, like a fully charged battery. also, rather than just start buying parts while troubleshooting, take the starter off and have your local auto parts store bench test it for you. Check the connector in the engine compartment that should be right behind the alternator. This includes a wire for the the solenoid and it could be broken.

My experience in scratching the Z-itch is that patience is not only a good idea, it is required. Point is, take the time to get a shop manual, next to your wallet, this is the most important tool for a Z owner.

Welcome to the family.

Best regards,


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You need to systematicly look at what you have here. First off correct the loose wires and what ever you have going on at the starter. There at the starter is a white/red wire that runs form the solenoid to a plug that connects to the wiring harness. This is not a ordinary wire. It is your fusible link. It's function is just like a fuse in that it protects your whole wiring system from burning up if you have a direct short. So don't just eliminate this safety element. You can test the link and see if it is blown. This could be the source of your whole problem. At the coil, there are two black/white wires. One connects to the + side of the coil. The other one connects to the resister at one end and there is a green/white connected to the other end. The one attached to the coil is coming from the tach and the one that is attached to the resister is for the ignition switch. the Tach Must be connected for he engine to run. Do not use the hot wire set up you are using in trying to start the engine . You are getting some sort of feed back effecting the dash lights and who knows what else. Make sure the main battery cables are good , and the batt is charged. Gary

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Well if I dont have that hot to the coil then I get nothing at all from the key or lights. So that means im not getting power to the coil/ignition. Ignition switch should be fine because I just replaced it. Is there any way that I could temp. bypass the fuseable link to see if thats the problem? Another thing is then when I have the car running with the hot to the coil, the only way I can get the lights to turn on is if I spin the key to start. That gives me headlights, running lights and im not sure about the dash lights. That makes me think its the solenoid because with the key turned to the start it would be supplying a constant 12v to somewhere. I hate this electrical stuff.. Its such a nightmare. I know that once I figure it out though it will be well worth the effort (hopefully..). Maybe once I get it registered and insured I can take it to a like sears and they can scan my electrical system, I'd rather not do that though... If anyone has anymore suggestions or places to check it would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks, Elliot.

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Ok, well I tested to see if when you turn the key to start if the spade connector would light up on the light tester, nothing. Check everywhere else on the car.. no power. This is with all the wires hooked up how they should be. I know that power is going into the solenoid, but every other connection on the solenoid has no power (fuseable link and the exposed piece that connects to the starter itself. So if im getting no power to anything else with the correct wires hooked up then im in need of a new solenoid? What would be your guess?

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Try checking the voltage of the white wire with red stripe at several places. Look on the backside of the ammeter guage to make sure that nothing is fried. Check W/R wire at fuse box, and several spots on column. Rotate your fuses a bit to ensure that any corrosion is not an issue.

Try tapping the top of the light switch. (If there's voltage there) Sometimes the contacts inside need to be cleaned.



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My '71 240 should be similar.

There is one fat white wire in the vicinity of the starter. It comes out of the harness parallel with the starter hookups. This wire supplies all of the power to the car. The White/red stripe is a continuance of the supply.(W/R is power INSIDE the passenger compartment) Check your connections and voltage of the white wire under the hood. This is where you should start. Get voltage to the white and then the white/red stripe and any further troubleshooting will be "easy".


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