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Hi all,

I am picking up a 71' 240Z tomorrow morning and have a VERY premature question to ask. I am an audio freak and was wondering if a standard size CD deck will mount into these cars. I have not even had a chance to dig into the car and I am already scheming away! :D

Now for the important stuff!

Was looking for an economical car (for obvious reasons) rather than the old 94' Suburban I have been driving. Got a good deal on the 240 and said "Why not?"... (like I need another project... :stupid: )

The car...

Very straight (little bit of cancer on the left rear wheelwell and the driver's floorboard - will address those after I get it running again). Light hail dimples on the fenders and hood - not a problem.

Short block is in the car, but it was smoking and needed a valve job. Previous owner tore it down about 8 months ago and lost interest in it.

Interior is a little rough (mainly driver's seat and front carpet - rest is clean), but I have seen a lot worse.

New tires, brakes, bumpers and has a LOT of extra new and used parts with it!

You may be getting a lot of questions from me over the next couple of months!

I am familiar with these forums due to the impalassforum.com website. Have been a member for 5 years over there. :classic:

Any feedback is appreciated!

Thank you!

Tim Reinhardt

Colorado Springs, CO.

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There is just enough room for a standard DIN radio (2" x 7") deck. Just takes a little trimming here and there. BUT BE CAREFUL when you cut out the 2x7 hole, the plastic can brak on the bottom half of that hole. If you break it, you'll just need to make a trim plate out of 3/32" ABS plastic. (I have some here)

I have a Pioneer AM/FM/CD/XM radio in the dash, 2) 400 watt Coustic amps, 2) 4" kickers in the doors, 2) 5-1/4" Pioneer 2-ways in the rear, 2) Alpine 6.5" 2-ways in custom kick pods in the front kick panels, 2) 10" MTX Subs in a custom spare tire well enclosure. I use 4 ga power wire, gold plated solid brass distrobution blocks and battery terminals. Metra 44PW-22 power antenna, and Monster cable interconnects. (RCA cables)

I also Have Power windows, power locks, full alarm w/ keyless entry and a seperate DVD system w/ 7" monitor under the dash. Go to my gallery for pics of everything else.

If you need help with the Z, you're in the right place brother. Welcome to the best site for everything 240Z related (not to mention 260z, 280Z and the occasional ZX) Use the Search button above for everything you need. If you can't find it there, then ask.

Congrats on the car. You'll soon have your hands on a car that can be modified to do Low 8's or have about 28 MPG when tuned properly. Keep her stock or go apeshit on her, at least she's not in a junk yard somewhere.





Thanks guys! I appreciate the info and will post a few pics (of the Impala - no pics of the Z yet) in a little while! I went a little crazy on the system, but will not do so on the Z (yet!). My wife is already sick of my other habit - she is already a little edgy about this one too! ROFL

I do know about the search functions and will use them religiously.

The Impala Forum is set up the same way, but there is an audio specific forum topic and I did not see one here.

Be back shortly - I have some "honey-do's" to do. :paranoid:

Thanks again!


Alright... I am back...

Once you get your Z up to speed, you'll forget all about your Impala. Guaranteed!:love:


We'll see Frank. I have been through hell and back with this Impala. But, I am more than willing to play in this arena and find out! :D

Dave - Great information and nice setup!

I am not here to promote the Impala, but here is some info and a few pics of the setup that I did. The car was completely gutted, so I just jumped in head first! I had never done anything this "deep" before and it came out WAY better than expected... Hope you like it!


Eclipse CD5435 Deck

Phoenix Gold 500Ti Titanium Amp (interior speakers)

Phoenix Gold 800Ti Titanium Amp (Subs)

Focal 165v2 6.5" Componants - Front stage

Alpine 6.5" 2-ways - rear deck/rear fill

Eclipse SW7124 Aluminum 12" subs

Subs are ported through the rear deck and all sound is channeled into the car. System hit 139.6db at a local sound-off show.

I won't go to this level in the Z, but I will build a nice setup.







Here is the car...


Thanks again for the info! I do appreciate it! I will now be a Z-Car forum junkie as wall as an Impala forum junkie!


If your Z follows the SS form, you'll have one to let your widow sell.

Nice work.

One question: Can you still hear? 139db is damned near lethal!!!:smoke:


WHAT??? :D Thanks Frank. I definitely can't listen to it at that level. I was blown away when they were doing the measurement, but this car was not even close to winning. I built it to sound good (and it sounds AWESOME), but had no idea what it was capable of. I am a rocker and this thing bangs the crap out of some live AC\DC! :hurt:

I will figure out something nice for the Z. I have a bunch of old school stereop pieces gathering dust in the garage that I can put to use.

First comes the engine though. Carbs to the Z- folks. I need to find a good local shop to do the valve job. I'll get it running and go from there. Can't wait to start playing with it! This should be fun!


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