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I'm in the middle of tearing down my 260Z right now, and I was wondering where the old-timers (no offense) started and if there's a general order of how to complete your car. It's like "Great, that was easy! But... How do I put it back together?" O_o

I've currently got an L28 in the machine shop, my Z is at the mechanic's place (he was looking at the L26, and found that it's shot, so it's just been sitting there until i can get a trailer to haul it home again!). My general plan is to get a 250GTO kit and do that whole thing, since I'm too poor to actually get a Ferrari XD (aren't we all?). Problem being now, I'm trying to plan out what I'm going to do first. There are the basics of course, the gutting and welding, de-rusting, all that crap. But when she's finally ready for rebuild mode, how would you do it?

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Get a copy of Wick Humble's "How to Restore Your Datsun 240Z".

While this may seem a brush off it isn't. There is just so much information there to be had, that to post it here....well, you'll just get a "Search the archives!" type of response as the archives also contain a lot of information.



I second EScanlon, the first thing I did was buy the book he mentioned, a Haynes manual, and the microfiche CD.

Then I decided to gut the interior first, since it seemed like the easiest place to start and probably the cheapest :) Im about $1200 into it so far.

I figure from there I will do the mechanicals, brakes, suspension and motor, and finally, body and paint. It only makes sense to do body and paint last so you dont screw it up doing everything else.

Absolutely, get the mechanical out of the way first. Body and paint is the last thing. I agree totally on the before mentioned book by Wick Humble. I think B-Dalton has them and Motorsport as well. By a can of Kroil from kanolabs.com it is the vary best penetrating oil there is. Sold only by Kano laboratories. I have nothing to do with the company , just my own use , I found it to be the best and it smells far better than PB Blaster. PB Blaster is my second choice but it smells the whole garage for days. Also buy a can of never seize for reassembly you will be glad you did. Stay away from W D-40 because it has silicone in it and any silicone will give you fits when you are preping for paint. Take lots of pictures of what you are doing . Some before, during and after. the before are for reassembly . Gary

The pics are key. I'm just getting to the end of my first Z, and I took tons of digital pics while I tore everything down. It was an absolute lifesaver. Now that I've done it once, I won't need to take pics again with my next Z, but for your first Z rebuild, I found it to be critical.

WooHoo! Just scanning through the various topics and saw this one. Just saw the "How to Restore Your Datsun 240Z" note and said "Hey - I need that!". Ordered that one and the ""How to Rebuilt Your Nissan/Datsun OHC Engine: Covers L-Series Engines 4-Cylinder 1968-1978, 6-Cylinder 1970-1984" book by Tom Monroe from Amazon for $30 total!

I am "almost" done putting money into the Impala for a while. Beginning in about one month, the Z is going to start receiving my FULL attention! :D



Alrighty, I got that book ordered, and it should be here in a week or so. Good thing I asked here too! I'd have never thought there was a book specifically titled "How to Restore your Datsun Z" xD:stupid:

Hey bippu - I grew up in Livermore! My dad and brothers are still there. Great area - I love going "home"! Have fun with the Z - the drive through Patterson Pass road would be FUN! :D

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