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Passenger window WAY out of adjustment

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About 1.5 years ago I had the passenger door window replaced by a glass company. From the time I got the car back, the window "hitched" at about the halfway point when being rolled up. One needed to push on the window in order to get it up. The company said something about a part being worn out. Since this window doesn't get rolled down often, it didn't really present a problem.

A few days ago, a passenger rolled the window down all the way and when he tried rolling it back up, nothing happened; the handle cranked but no glass came up. I pulled the door panel off and discovered that the window had fallen off both bottom channels of the regular as well as the front sash and the channel on the back of the door. We were able to get the window back in all the channels. With the front sash and guide channel loosened, the window rolls up and down without hitching anywhere. However, the rear edge of the glass sits much higher than the front, preventing the window from rolling up properly.

I've looked through the articles and archives, and have read EScanlon's posts on adjusting windows, but this one is so out of whack that everything I've tried doesn't work. Any input would be greatly appreciated!

Have you checked the regulator arms (the scissors) to see if they're straight? Only one has a bend to it, and it is noticeable and obviously a press brake bend.

Aside from that, to push the front edge of the glass up, the rear sash (the little one) needs to come down. The regulator has some adjustment also, but it is negligible, but push it UP to push the rear of the glass down.

The "hitch" you mention can be caused by either a bent arm, a bent sash (front OR rear), a sticking roller or even a stripped handle or regulator gear. You might also check that the "teeth" of the regulator both on the spline gear and the stamped metal. If one of those is bent it will cause a hitch, although if on the spline gear will be cyclic and on the stamped metal will only occur one time.

Check those out and see what you find.


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