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Hi guys, can i hear from those of you that have installed a V8 (307,327,350etc) into there zed in terms of the way the car handles, specifically on the track. Does the weight of an old V8 drastically effect the handling? is there major understeer into corners?

Also, does anyone have any comments about the engine mounts sold by Castlemain Rod Shop (Australia) to fit a V8 into the zed? Do these mounts position the engine far enough back?

Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks.

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You'll get more and better information on that at http://hybridz.org/ where they have a wealth of information and lots of people who've both done it AND raced it.

Here, we do have a couple, but they're in the minority (and not because they're not welcome). Hopefully they'll chime in, but I'll bet they second my suggestion.


About 25 years ago I put a high-performance Chevy 350 into a '74 260Z. The handling was just as good with the V8 as it was with the original engine -- and the overall performance was much better, with double the horsepower! I used a Scarab kit, but it mounted the engine a bit too far forward. If I were to do it again, I would use the mounting methods detailed in the conversion book put out by Jaguars That Run, which sets the engine back maybe 3 inches and should improve the weight balance somewhat.

The only problem I had with the car was getting the clutch adjusted. I used a Muncie 4-speed transmission with a Chevy bell housing and clutch and the stock Datsun clutch master cylinder. The clutch linkage had to be adjusted perfectly -- I think I needed just a little longer travel in the clutch rod. The problem could have probably been solved by finding a different master cylinder.

Unfortunately, I lost control on a rain-slick road one night about 6 months after the car was complete and managed to get the rubber side up. The car was a total loss.

I'm considering doing the same swap in the '78 280X I have now, but if I do I will have to register it in another county as the smog regulations in my county of residence will not allow it.

Good luck with your conversion if you decide to do it!

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