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Hello all.

I have a parts request for a friend, he's looking for a set of the Shelby wheels that look like

the Vector Racing Rims from the Dukes of Hazard Charger, if that helps.

The Shelbys are 12 spokes similar to the Vetors 10 spoke design but

instead have a "wall" around the lug nuts which the spokes flow out from to

the edge of the rim.

Sorry I don't have a picture but I've seen these before and thats about as best I can


They are ofthen times confused for Western Wheel Turbines.

Looking for a whole set or enough individuals and one spare, center caps not needed.



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A picture is worth a thousand words, so are these the wheels in question? Maybe this will help turn some up for you.


haha , YEAH THYANX DeesZ :)

I didn't realize they looked exactly alike.

Thier may be a very slight difference but the Shelby rims are in 4 lug pattern.

I'll get a pic from my friend of the wheel he has to compare just to make

sure, but thats what they look like, a magnessium wheel with

12 spokes instead of the Vectors 10 spokes (if I counted right :bandit:)


I had a look at my frinds 2 Shelby rims again and they are the

exact same as the Vectors on the LEE.

And they are 10 spokes like the Vecs but in the 4 Lug bolt pattern.

He beleives Shelby but his name on them but were made by a different

rim manufacture instead or "sourced out" to someone other than

American Racing aswell.

Well if any one has a lead on 4 Lug Vectors or look alikes please let me know.



Thyanx yo but totally different style, I do have a set of those on hold for

myself though ^_^ ,They are nice.


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