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I run 87 and after figuring out that I've only been getting 13mpg, I decided to finally tune my SU's a little. So ten minutes under the hood and now I've been getting 18mpg. I plan on pulling out the unisym and really getting things right, and hope to get 20mpg overall. I drive spirited, but never go above 4k rpm and it's about 50/50 highway/city.

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To all with SUs, do yourself a favor and get a Colormetric (?) tube. This will do more to tell you about your "AFRs" than guessing with a Unisyn and fuel adjustments. Better yet, buy an Innovate LM-1 with a wideband O2, temporarily mount the O2 sensor at the tailpipe, and tune to AFRs.

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Hey Bo, If you PayPal me the $300 (http://www.titanmotorsports.com/lmdiairame.html), I will gladly go buy one of those things. [edit] I would even be willing to lend it out to our NorCal members!!! [/edit]

Right now, I am getting a calculated 21.7 MPG with the inherited (from my mom) right foot.

IIRC, I am running 21* advance. Do you remember what we set it to, Jon?

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Jonnyrock, your driving style is now similar to mine. Well I just completed a 3rd fill-up. Hoped to get more Highway miles - but anyway put on 198miles and it took 9.5 gals => 20.8 mpg. I did only ~110 miles pure highway and the rest city so not much better than 50/50 highway vs city. This would roughly estimate to be 16 mpg city and 24.5 mpg highway. Hopefully this weekend I can get a pure highway estimate.

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Just got done driving 260 miles of only freeway. Averaged about 68mph @ 3800rpm.

My overall mileage was about 25mpg, if not better! I'm surprised and pleased.

BTW, I've always found fuel gauge accuracy to be a funny thing. As we all know, they are not accurate. Not by a long shot. And there's actually some behavioral reasoning behind it but that's a different subject for a different thread. Anyway, my gauge sat just-barely-above to on-top-of the half tank hash mark for more than 150 miles! Almost no movement!

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Every now and then, you have to clean the connections where it plugs into the sender and occaisionally take the sender itself out and clean it up and make sure it's working properly. That seems to help with the accuracy on my cars. The sender is just a thermister that reads based on resistence. The top of the arm that holds the float is like a 'needle' that slides along a row of windings. Sitting in one spot for 150 miles would indicate to me that there's a 'dead spot' in the windings.

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After July 1st, I will be paying at least $ 1.50 Cad $ for 1 ( yes , one ) litre of regular 87 octane . It will cost me over $180 to fill up my work vans , each tank , about a tank and a half per week . Right now, today , it's at 1.47 . By July 1st our wise Provincial leaders in B.C. will adopt a 2 cent per litre ''Carbon tax '' which they claim will go directly to STOP pollution etc. etc. I know and understand we still have cheap gas in North America , but isn't this the tail that wags the dog ? And yes, our esteemed Premier drives a big white Yukon , what great optics and insight !:squareeye

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What a pile of s--t that carbon tax talk is the liberals are talking the same BS in Ottawa. I am thinking they want most Canadians to have a unuseable and unsellable pile of steel in their driveways that cost $30,000 as planters. The outragious price of fuel will has already reduced carbon emissions with out adding a new tax.

On another matter: I wonder how much George Bush had invested in oil when he went into office? Further, how much does he have now? It would take Sherlock Holmes to track it down I'm sure, but I bet in five years he will be the richest ex president to ever reside in the US of A. It baffles me how he ever got a second term.

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