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The grip is plastic, and for all I know there isn't anything out there that will recondition it.

I might think it possible to stop its deterioration, however.

This first thought is just a wild guess- Liquid electrical tape. While I have never used it, it seems like something that might do the trick. Just clean the wheel thoroughly and start "painting" the stuff on. Two bonuses to this idea: 1) it's available in different colors. 2) Your steering wheel will not conduct electricity :stupid:

My thought behind using this stuff is that it would fill the cracks that have formed, and hopefully prevent further problems.

The second idea would involve applying a special plastic/vinyl paint that would seal the wheel. Follow that up with a good quality leather steering wheel wrap.

Like I said, they were just a couple odd suggestions

David how ended the refresh that you were doing on the interior of your ZX?


Refresh is I dare to say, almost done. I've been so busy with other things... The dash is finally getting close, and once it's done, that's it!

Bill, how bad are your steering wheels? I've a spare that might be savable.

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