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240Z to 280ZX Disti Upgrade Plug On eBay?

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Hi Tim, I installed Dave's headlite harness and parking lite harness on my 73. It was straight forward (except on a 73 it wasn't plug-and-play...I had to find and cut and splice on the light switch harness. That involved some email exchanges with Dave and some wiring diagram stuff), and Dave's products are professionally done and first-rate. Dealing with him is always easy and communications were also first-rate. He is a good guy and a treasure for our club and our cars. I met him at an MSA show a few years back and he is fun to talk with. He is always available to help Z car guys with electrical or any other problems. You can't go wrong with Dave or his stuff.

Cheers, Mike

OK, slow down guys, I'l Blushing over here. :love: :love:

I try to make each and every item as if were going into my own Z. I can't imagine how some Manufacturers make such infearior products considering their budgets and Mfg Plants. It's almost like they've never even seen a Z, but they're willing to make a "Universal" Part for our cars. eh hmm, VB, BD, etc, etc.....

But anyways, I really appreciate the compliments, business and Praise for my efforts. The word of mouth advertising always seems to be the best. Especially when someone has tried an upgrade from somewhere else and unfortunately finds out that the Universal part is not even close without serious alteration to their Z or it's wiring. Then to write me and tell me how much more Superior My product is, compared to the Big name company. Makes me feel as if I'm doing right by you guys. And that's what makes it all worth it.

My products are Warranteed for the life of my business. But only if you purchase them thru me. If you buy my HLH, ZXP or SCP's thru any other supplier, like "Datsun-Parts" No warranty will be implied or enforced. Because there is no telling what the product has been subjected to between my shipping it to him, his storage or handling of the product, and his shipping methods to his ebay customers. I basically release all interest in the product once it leaves my home. But once again, this only applies to "Resellers"

Thanks again to ALL for their purchases, continued loyalty and great words about my products. And please don't forget to add ARNE to your praises, for the SCP and ZXP were his ideas to begin with.

I plan on staying in business for you guys and gals as long as possible.

Thank you all, so much.



Hi Dave:

Did Black Dragon redesign their Headlight Harness upgrade? I just received their new catalog, and was looking at the picture.

Looking at the picture - I wonder if they really mean "headlight sockets"... or if their harness plugs into the cars wiring harness (as yours does)...

Do they expect you to take the headlight buckets out - and plug their harness directly into the headlights through the headlight buckets?? - or are they using the connectors that go into the wiring harness??

It would seem that if one could simply find the connectors for the cars wiring harness - one could easily adapt the BD harness... for thirty bucks it seems like a deal...

What do you think?

Carl B.


Carl, the BD harness is generic, not custom fit for Zs. They offer the same harness in their RX7 and other catalogs as fitting those cars. (See attachment.) From what I've been told, the connectors are in fact designed to plug into the headlight connector. I've also heard numerous other complaints with it when attempting to use it in a Z.



The BD harness is a deal. UNTIL you try to instal it in a 240Z. You have to...

1, remove the headlight buckets

2, cut the BD headlight plug off just to get it into the bucket.

3, re-attach the headlight plug and do the same thing on the other side.

4, wire up a bright yellow harness that only has 14 gauge wires.

5, The BD relays are next to impossible to replace, as nobody carries the replacement relay.

It's the biggest pain in the A$$ I've ever had to deal with. And I'm sure I speak for every 240Z owner who has ever tried to instal one in their 240Z. You basically get what ya pay for. Pay more, get one that is perfect for the 240Z, pay less and spend 3 hours installing a peice of crap. Did you read the second to last sentence, no cutting or splicing required. That's too damn funny.



It really makes you wonder how a company can just outright *lie* about critical issues- like splicing or "plug-n-play".

As much as I'm trying to keep my gal perfectly "as delivered" stock as possible, with regard to what are considered "permanently-installed" parts, there are still those rare, few parts that *must* be considered, IMHO, for 2 reasons-

1) An aftermarket part that is so vastly superior to the stock design and execution- especially where safety may be an issue.

2) Supporting a smaller vendor who not only makes a part that answers such a significant need, but one who freely and routinely offers his experience to other Z-car aficianados, out of sheer good-naturedness. A person like this must be supported, again, in my opinion, especially against a faceless mongo-corporation.

I remember the local hardware store, with the guys in shop-coats, guys that were at the store for 20-30 years, and who knew enough about almost everything. Stores where you could almost always find what you needed, or they would get it for you.

Today it all seems to be about saving a few cents. Homeless Depot and Wal-Mart are taking over and as much as I can, I try to give my money to a local outfit, or vendor. Otherwise I feel we're gonna end up with a future like that shown in the 70's movie "Rollerball".

"Now please stand for your corporate anthem..."

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