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Sad story - friend can't smog his car

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I'll have to read up on the AIV. Could be the EGR is okay since, according the the report, it passed the functional check. I don't know where Greenwood is but it sounds far away from San Bernardino otherwise I'd volunteer to come by with my exhaust gas analyzer to see where the car is at emission wise after you clean the AIV.

I do appreciate that. I hope someone who lives close to Sacramento would be able to make the same offer. I live about 14 miles from the Marshal Gold Discovery site on the Amercian River (Coloma).

One of the searches I ran online gave me a hit with a link to a car site where the bypassing of the AIV was documented. It was on a 240SX. Apparently this failure was so common (carboned reed valves) that Nissan decided to design a better system, eliminating the AIV.

Well, got the retest results yesterday. Failed again.

NO went from 2331 down to about 1300 (still too high). HCs went up about 21 points.

I *think* the HCs are from the seafoam treatment not getting completely out of the system, but can't be sure.

John, the owner, tells me the car hasn't driven that well for over 5 years, so I did something right, I guess. At least it's a step in the right direction. I feel bad, though, because they had to shell out another 80 bucks for a fail.

I guess it's time to procure an ECU. Anyone here had any experience with "the ZX man" at ZXman(dot)com?

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