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I am in the middle of restoring a 74.5 Datsun 260Z (found in a farmers field, next to a Willys and a 67 vette). I'll start off with what I have done, to give you guys an idea of what is going on...

Engine was seized, so I pulled the engine out, squared up and honed the block, added all new inners (saved the originals) cleaned up the automatic transmission, changed all the fluids posible, tore the molded deteriorated interior out, and I have the interior 85% back together. The car is drivable now during the day, and the engine runs quite well, and now I'm down to figuring out the little problems that just are a pain in the butt. From my other 260Z and various purchases (thanks E-bay!) I have quite a few extra parts for testing and trial (and eventually sale).

Now to the problem.

When the car is running, I put a voltmeter on the positive side of the plugin that leads to the washer fluid pump and got 12.6v When checking the ground side, I kept getting 12.3v when the wipers were turned off. When the wipers are on any of the 3 settings (only high works) the negative grounds out, and works like a ground should. When the wiper switch is turned off, should it give a 12.3v signal on the ground?

I am not an electrical engineer, nor have I taken any advanced classes, but I do know the basics, and I have never heard of a ground pulling voltage like this. I think I have a wire crossed to the ground somewhere, electrifying it, but I wouldn't know where.

I have 3 wiper/light stalks, and all have the same issue, so I am 95% sure the problem is not with the stalks themselves. On a side note, all the stalks only work on high, and the washer button does nothing.

Could anyone check the connection to their washer fluid pump, and see if you can pull a 12.3v off the ground? Maybe that is the way it is supposed to work? It goes against my reasoning, but who knows?

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