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Help Fund the Datsun Museum and Get Something Really Cool for Your Donation!

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Guys and Gals, Boys and Girls, Children of all ages, this is really cool. You can own an original Datsun 240z Glove Box signed by Mr. K and help contribute to building the Datsun museum at the same time! What Datsun Museum you ask?

Fred Jordan, the sales manager at the first Datsun dealership in the US (located in San Diego) is working with a board (some members of the board are members of this site!) to raise funds to establish a museum to house and tell the story of Datsun in the US. I've had the pleasure of knowing Fred for several years now and let me just say this is a story that needs to be told!

Ok, it's not cheap, but remember you're funding a museum, the glove box door is just a cool reminder that you helped do it! So, get on over to ebay and spend some BIG money!!!

The ad refers to a sweater. I'm going to post that soon. There are only 23 left and they start for a donation of $300. They come with a certificate of authenticity and a picture of Mr. K wearing one. Too cool!

If you want more info about the museum, Fred can be reached at ftenthz@aol.com, but please don't bug him unless you want to help and right now the best way is writing a very BIG check!

I'll monitor this posting and attempt to answer any questions.

P.S. Please don't ask me to sell privately. I promised Mr. K the money this sale raised would go to the museum. I will not sell it privately...





Not yet. This is really in it's infancy, but it's very real. There is an established auto museum in Southern California that has already expressed interest in housing the museum in a new wing they plan to build. We need to get a museum started prior to this so they can absorb it into theirs. That's just one option, there are others. We just need to raise some funds at this point. Fred is already looking at real estate to house the museum. He's got people offering to donate their cars, etc.

I don't know if everyone knows Fred or not, but he is a close friend of Mr. K's and as the sales manager of the first Datsun dealership in the US, knows an incredible amount of history of the company. We don't want all this to be lost. Wouldn't it be cool to someday walk through a museum and see exhibits of how our cars and the company that made them got started. We've all read the story, but believe me, it you spend 15 minutes with Fred, you'll learn a lot more than you've ever read!!!

He also is close to Mr. John Parker who ran the ad agency that Datsun used, so again there is an incredible amount of history that is sitting out there. I can guarantee there's more than anyone on this site has seen in one location.

So, get that check book out and bid BIG TIME!!!


My mistake, sorry Bill and Will. Bill, getting the cars, at least at this point, seems to be the least of the worries. Finding a place to house them and paying for it appears to be the bigger issue. Please encourage everyone to bid!

P.S. I'm going to see if I can get Fred to post here to answer any questions. I'm just the private in this outfit!



Thought I would post a picture of the Datsun Gang taken at Daytona last year. Fred is third from the left with his wife Betty next to him. Then, John Parker in the beige shirt with his arm around Mrs. Usami. That's Masataka Usami on the right. Behind the line-up is Mike Taylor and Johnnie Gable. I'm not certain who the fellows on the left are. I think the guy on the far left is Hiroshi Degawa, director of NISMO, but I could be wrong.

I'm glad to hear this project is taking shape and I'm looking forward to talking with Fred about it in Cleveland. Get behind this, everyone! Send Fred $5 if that's all you can spare. This is a project that really should happen!


I just heard from Norm of zeddsaver (www.zeddsaver.com). He is going to donate a rechromed emblem to go along with the glove box. This is about a $55 retail item, so a big thank you goes out to Norm. Please support those that support our cars.

No bids yet, but I'm hoping to get something started soon!


While on a screamin' fast vacation? trip to SoCal last week, I met Fred by happenstance at a car show. He and several others had shown up at the show (they were invited to show, but were not judged). Fred and Betty were there in their 10th, Roger was there in his '71 w/L28, another Fred was there in his scissor-doored 350Z and more.

Fred was delighted to meet a Z enthusiast from Texas. We spoke of folks known to us both, i.e. Mad Mike, Walt Stephenson, Dave Moreale, et al.

He gave me a copy of the Road & Track Magazine wherein the GT-R "spanked" the Z06 and Porsche. If you haven't seen the article, it's worth a read, even though Nissan paid R&T to write it.

Fred mentioned the effort to begin a Datsun museum, but because of time constraints on my end, we didn't get to flesh it out at all. It's a worthwhile endeavour, no doubt, so if possible, ante up to the amount you can afford. Mr. K (99) and Fred (80+) won't be around too much longer, so let's help make everything come together as best we can.


Thank you Frank! Fred and Betty are very special people and I'm honored to be able to assist this effort.

Ok, BAGAKOA (Boy and Girls and Kids of All Ages), no bids yet, I'm counting on the members of this club! Please get on over to ebay and get your sweater now and bid on the glove box now. If you don't have a signed glove box, you can't buy a cooler accessory for your Z. I've lowered the price, so it can be yours.



Hi Gang:

26th Z called and suggested that many people had many questions about the Datsun Heritage Museum aka DHM, for which Bob C. had put some items on e-bay.

The Datsun Heritage Museum is really the brainchild of Fred Jordan, and as Bob mentioned Fred was the Sales Manager for the first DATSUN Dealership in the US. Fred also founded the Z Car Club of the Inland Valley (ZCCIV) and has had a very close relationship with Mr. K for decades. Fred is first and foremost a "DATSUN Enthusiast", and perhaps one of people in the US with the longest personal history with the marque. (he started at a very young age).

The DHM is at this point a reality, but lets say it was just born. Still an infant, with lots of growing to do. Well past the "concept" stage - but not fully developed and ready to run. That means that are hundreds of "To Be Determined" (TBD's) to pin down. So I'm sorry to say that the hundreds of questions that can be thought of - simply do not yet have clear answers. It will take time.. and good people are working tirelessly on it at present ....

What I can tell you at this point:

DHM Creed:

The Datsun Heritage Museum is a 501©(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to the education and preservation of the history and the products relating to Datsun/Nissan. Documenting; “The greatest Automotive Story Ever Told.”

All donations to the museum are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. Please consult with your accountant.

DHM Officers and Borad Of Directors:


Masataka Usami President

Fred Jordan Vice President

Betty Jordan Treasurer

Johnnie Gable Secretary


Robert O. Link

Yoichi Matsumoto

David Ochenreider

Dan Banks

Honorary Board Members:

Yutaka Katayama

Gunnie Vacha

Mitsuo Katayama

Yoshihiko Matsuo

Eiichi Shimizu

Carl Beck


Fred has pulled lots of individual strings together, rolled them into a single ball - and got the ball rolling. This has been a huge task that has taken a major investment of his time; and its a huge accomplishment to say the least. Lots of people have great ideas, few like Fred turn them into reality.

He has established a vision of the DHM and ask a core group of people to help him more fully define that vision, do some initial planing and organizing and in effect move that ball forward to the next stage of development. Various options/plans are being discussed related to the final location of the DHM, initial efforts to define its content and scope are underway. All too preliminary and too numerous to go into at this point..

A thousand details have yet to be determined - as things progress a little farther, I'll try to keep you all informed...

In the meantime - like Bob said - go to E-Bay and put your money down. It wil help fund the initial stage - and we'll be back at you when the massive fund raising starts ;-)


Carl B.

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