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I have a problem that someone else must have had. The headlights and brake lights on my 70Z work but I don't have any parking lights, tail lights, side marker lights, or turn signels. The back up lights and flashers work.

I have replaced the combo switch and checked all the fuses. All ok. I have pulled apart and reconnected all the push to connect wires that I could find and still nothing?

Any ideas?


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The Park, Tail, Side Markers and all dash ILlumination is powered from the 20A PT fuse.

You may need to check for 12V at the fuse, an eyeball check may not be sufficient.

Glass fuses have a habit of being open circuit even if the fuse element looks intact.

Use a test lamp or a multimeter.

I am going to assume this car has had the issue for a long time, and it didn't just pop up.

If you just bought the car, look for some quick fix wiring that someone else did. I know a guy who has his lights hooked up to the ignition switch (if running, lights on) because it came that way. It could be a bad fuse block, or perhaps something is just really badly corroded on the backside.

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