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Turn signal / dash light issues...

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I'm not sure they're related but...

On the '71 240Z...

1. Turn signals are almost imperceptible when the headlights are on. They are fine when the headlights are off. I assume this is an alternator issue (this was all witnessed at idle), but would like to verify...

2. Dash lights are fine when I start up the car. Once it's warm, it I turn the car off (say to gas up) and restart...no dash lights...

As an aside, battery was not at full charge. Not sure if this would contribute (possibly to the turn signals, not sure how that could affect dash lights).

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Those are several odd issues in combination, bigoak.... I'm certain you are well aware of all of the "clean connection" and "grounding" issues, and probably have addressed those a long while ago (your car looks great, by the way). That 'no dash lights on restart' is an odd one. Did you fiddle with the rheostat dimmer a bit? And maybe swap out the fuse, but do the other things on the same circuit work while the dash is dark?

The battery not at full charge is the easiest and first thing to eliminate in my estimation, as I've had some very strange things happen that were all cleared up with new battery cables (one of which was no start / turn-over after a stop as you describe). I did battle with electrical gremlins for about 18 months. The good magic happened when I replaced the cables. They didn't look 'that' bad, either, but they were old replacements that I decided needed replaced mostly for looks.... glad I did that! Anyway, there is probably a test that could be done to see if the cables are deteriorating on you... anyone? Please chime in. Of course if it is the battery not holding a full charge, then you are on the track another direction with the charging system (do you still have the external regulator, or did you do the upgrade conversion to IR alternator?)

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