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Pics Of My New Seat & Carpets!

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Thought I'd share these.

This color combo mimics what I did on my previous 240Z. With the silver car it will be a bit monochromatic, but that's the effect I'm trying to achive.


Carpet is high grade indoor/outdoor material with sewn vinyl edging. I backed the carpet with 1/8" closed cell neoprene foam. This foam doesn't soak-up spilled liquid, good cushioning, easonable sound absorption and good recovery from compression.


The seats were done by a local shop, (Jack's Auto Tops), with new foam from MSA. Jack does good work and is very reasonable. The seats need a bit of "massaging" and warmth to work out the wrinkles in the upper seat back, but other than that I realy like the way they turned-out. The insert cloth matches the carpet pretty well.

I just started work gluing the interior vinyl in the hatch area. The MSA vinyl kit fits like a pair of baggy jeans with one leg too short. I'll make it work, but what a pain!


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They look great. I recovered mine and used the MSA seat foam as well. MSA told me I may ahve to modify the foam a bit for the 280 seat frame, i.e., triming a bit off the headrest. My covers went on almost too easily and instead of trimming the foam, I cut open a pillow and started stuffing extra around the headrest area. I still have some wrinkle issues as well. They looked pretty good when I finished and reassembled them. I put them out in my garage and with the summer heat it seems as if some wrinkles have reappeared.

Your carpet ought to go well with your silver paint job, post some pics when you get the interior together.

Are you doing the Dynamat type of insulation as well?

Are you doing the Dynamat type of insulation as well?

Don't know yet. I added .079" thick mineral filled EVA, (McMaster-Carr page 3427), in the doors and will also put it inside the rear side panels. It's what I used to replace the original sound insulation on the driver's side floor board. I've used it to deaden sound and vibration at work.

Also, the neoprene closed cell foam bonded to the carpet seems to contibute more than I anticipated in damping out sound when the carpet is laid-down. Much better than I expected using a very unscientific "thump" test.

Don't know if or what I'll use in place of the old horse-hair mats. Probably Dynamat or something similar. I'll see how it sounds without anything additional first.

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