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Availability/Price Zed's in OZ?

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a site you might find useful is www.tradingpost.com.au there are usually at least two 240's a week. search the automotive section (DONT BOTHER WITH www.autotrader.com.au it sucks), all states.

Luke, All cars in the trading post are displayed in the autotrader, so when you search on autotrader you are getting results from the trading post and a heap of other sources also. So no, it doesn't suck. Its just cumbersome to search all categories.

Autotrader and trading post are both owned and pubished by the same company, so the have every right to "siphon" ads from the tradingpost.

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A lot of the ozz cars have been thrashed its difficult to find

a good original Z. you will exspect to pay in the area of $10,000

Australian for a good one then there,s the import/ export charges. I have been living in Australia for eight years. I have owned 4 Zeds. You can pick up cheap Zeds to restore here in

Australia. I think you might be better looking in to the UK Z Club.

They have cars advertised all the time mostly sold by members

and that have been garaged in good condition.

I sold my pride and joy eight years ago in Ireland to my brother in law. 1974 260Z and I have not seen a better 260Z in Ozz. It

might be what your looking for without all that exspense.

My brother in law has grown tired of her and she has been

garaged for the eight years. She,s a nice example. When I

bought her in England she had restoration completed all original.

The brother in law is a mechanic and he has replaced the 260Z

carbys with the 240Z carbys.

If you think you might be keen to have a look

I can put you in touch? the Zeds in Belfast.

You can contact me :sammontgomery@optusnet.com.au

Happy hunting !!!

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