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I was looking at the stock rims that came with my car and figured with a little work would kinda look reminescent of the old porsche 550's. If I keep them, I want to replace the valve stems and this odd plug beside it. What is this plug? Is it a fuse plug like what's used on aircraft rims, that pops when overpressured from overheating? Regardless, where can I find a replacement?

Is anyone else running the stock wheels painted or chromed with out hubcaps? Pics!

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The only pictures of stock rims I have ever seen only have one hole for one valve stem. There is only one hole punched through the hubcap as well.

I have seen an S30 w/o hubcaps, gloss black stock rims and thin whitewalls. Kind of a unique look.

Keeping with the Porsche theme, were you thinking of removing the hubcaps, painting them silver and gluing five lugnuts around the outer rim?:confused:

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