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Both my classic cars have some rust (in a perfect world I could afford to buy cars with NO rust, but hey I like old cars and fixing them myself); I've tried POR-15 before with decent results. I can't do frame offs right now.

I hope I don't have to drive the Z in teh winter, but I'm young and poor so that has to be an option; Plus it has some pretty bad floor holes and holes in the rear frame( rear of floorpan) as well. What should I do for now to slow its progression? Will tranny or motor oil spray work, what about covering with rust oleum primer? POR 15 takes too long to start now with the hope of being done by winter; I do plan on 'restoring' these cars after college, when I should hopefully have enough money and a garage (heated/cooled!!);

Plus I live in NE so finding something rust free (especially old cars, ESPECIALLY a 76 Z) is pretty much impossible unless you pay too much to even drive it! I love cars and would rather work on old ones that buy a new one, you learn so much and gives you a sense of accomplishment.

ANY ADVICE is appreciated

I heard Z's rust quick; I drove my 87 Monte SS for 2 winters (i was 19 and had no choice, if I wanted a cool car i had to drive it, now its in storage!:squareeyeO

And the SS is still in decent shape.

If I care for the Z in the winter like i did the Monte (regular washing, etc..)

will it stand a chance? Other option is to store outside, where it may continue to rust/etc.. anyway!!

Help Please.

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Nothing will save a Z from rapid rusting if you use it during the winter - short of taking it completely apart and rustproofing the inside of every panel. The paint you see on the outside is about all the paint there is on it - insides of panels have a little primer. To get a sense of what you are dealing with lift the cowl plate and look at the bottom and of course the drainage area beneath.

Salt will destroy your car - if you like the car, stow it for the winter and enjoy it in the spring.

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So would storing it outside be OK, with a tarp under and a car cover over it? I think they salt the drive areas at storage but this should keep it off the car; Id coat the bottom with oil and do a good wax first;

What about that electrical rust prevention? Does that work?

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