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Back in July I posted in the "Help" forum under "Engine Cuts Out." Much help was given and I eventually decided to replace the ignition module. Here, copied from that post is what I did.


I am going to have to call this one solved. Since replacing the E12-80 ignition module with a GM LX-101 ($15.00) a couple of days ago I've put 350 -- 400 miles on "Smiling Jack," with outdoor temperatures poking into the low triple digits, and I haven't experienced one instance of the engine cutting out.

I used "Using a HEI Ignition Module with a Factory Electronic Distributor" by Brendan Parrot as a basic guide:


One difference was I mounted the GM HEI directly on the distributor in the place of the old E12-80. I mounted the GM HEI on an aluminum plate 3 7/8ths by 2 3/8ths. Dimensions aren't real critical, though you'll run into clearance problems with a much bigger plate. I always have a bit ... bit of fun, that's it, a bit of fun getting drilled holes to line up exactly, but I think for mounting the plate to the distributor, 2 3/8ths will do. Though you may want to take your own measure. You'll want to replace the existing screws with M4X10 (or M4X8) pitch = .7 because the E12-80 is considerably thicker than the aluminum plate and it won't snug up if you use the original bolts. Mount the LX-101 on the aluminum plate using whatever works, though you'll need to keep the bolts short for clearance. Make some new electrical connectors however you feel fit and you're pretty much done.


I've probably put another 1000 miles on Jack since then, in even hotter weather, and haven't had the problem reoccur.

I used an aluminum plate because the Parrot article strongly recommended having a heat sink attached. Why he didn't think of using the heat sinked GM HEI to cover up the space left open on the distributor after taking the E12-80 out, I don't know. My best guess is that there simply wasn't enough space on the 4-cyl distributor.


Sorry about that.

Maybe they've changed their site, because now I can't copy a direct URL. This will get you there quickly though.

Go to:http://dimequarterly.tierranet.com/

Then type GM HEI in the search box

3 articles come up, it's the first one.


I think that this has been sufficiently beaten to death. All CrossroadsZ wanted to know last year was could he put a ZX module in a 77 280Z and when petec revived it he was just looking for the GM module part number, which he got.

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