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I need to ID the part below. It seems to be some kind of insulator that goes between the top of the strut and the spring seat (spring seat is #55 in the attached catalog page). On the pic that shows the 2 spring seats together; the 1 on the left is missing, 1 on the right is there. No part in the BD catalog seems to correspond. Is it the "bump stop" that I've seen on eBay?

Story is....I was beginning to put my rear suspension back together, and as I prepared to re-install my springs, well, I thought the "part" was build-up of 35 years of road dirt, so I put a screwdriver under it, and "cleaned it out". Of course, once the part broke, I realized my mistake. I can't figure out which part it is, I attached the page from Black Dragon if that helps.

I'm not even sure if I need it, or if it was only necessary with the stock struts, which were still in the car. The new strut cartridges are KYB's, if that helps. Thanks in advance for the help.

(The pic of the new 4.11 differential is just to show my progress so far this Winter).

Now I must go cry, I just heard that the Yankees have signed Mark Teixeira. :angry:






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I should have been clearer. The part you are referring to in the picture (55) is the spring seat. The other part (58) is the insulator. 57 is the spacer.

I assumed it was the spacer, but based on the diagram, the spacer would go between the spring seat and the insulator. This part was inside of the spring seat, between the spring seat and the strut.

I hear you about Kotchman, I guess having Youkilis at first isn't so bad. Even with the 2 World Series wins, we (Sox fans) still have a complex when it comes to the Spankee's. (At least we can all agree to hate them). :nervous:

Hey Paul - I think what you are looking at (or destroyed) is the internal bump stop that was built into the strut seat itself.

The small round rubber doughnut spacer does not rotate in the rear(like the front ones do and that's why they use a bearing).

Glad to see you are making progress on your 240 and we in the New England Z club hope to see you and your Z once the roads are snow, ice and salt free again in the new year.....

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