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With todays "Know-it-alls", I doubt it'll be gracefull. Most of them have no clue that come June or July of this year, Our Z's will reach their 40th Anniversary..

I actually love finding the "Kid" that doesn't know what a 240Z is. I walk them outside and show them first hand. It typically either blows their mind or they say "OH, OK, I've seen these before" I did'nt know they were related to the 350Z....


Well at least it didn't happen to you at the Nissan dealership as it did to me.

I was asking about ordering a replacement hand brake cable and the parts person asked me for my vin. I recited it verbatim (I imagine most of us can do that) and the person insisted that I was mistaken-not enough digits, and no vins started with HS-it had to be a J). After discussing the change to 16 digit vins in '81, and again specifying that my car is a '79 I ended up just pulling the car around and showing the parts person the dash plate, firewall stamp, and door jamb.

I've not gone back to the Nissan dealership for just that experience.

That happened to me at a new Nissan dealership close to me. I went in looking for an oil-spray bar for my cam, I even had a part number. I went through the Vin speech, and he said he had 240sx, I think he was playing cool because I said Datsun and he didn't seem to pick up on it. After a minute he says he doesnt have it.

I pulled out a part number, and he looked for a minute and said "oohhh.. I see it now" and looked sort of relieved he figured out what I was talking about. He did stare at me like I had 3 heads when I first walked in and told him I had a '72 Datsun.

If you really want to floor a Nissan Parts Department, take in an original Parts Manual/service manual-I've done it twice, both times the counter person paged everyone in the parts department to have a look-seems like fireworks going off! oohs and aahs all around!


I also have had people at the parts counter of Nissan dealership look as if I was crazy not knowing what I was talking about. I then gave a list of part numbers (I knew still existed) and they fumbled on the keyboard only half trying and then telling me in an oh so superior voice behind her desk "none that I can see, are you sure these are correct part numbers?". After she followed that up with look as if I was an idiot, I decided best to just leave and never go back there again in my life. I'll take my business to Courtesy Nissan where I can still get lots of needed bits and pieces without the rudeness.

My Nissan Dealer doesn't even bother looking things up. The second I say 1978 or Datsun they say that they don't have it. I still haven't talked to the guys at the dealership by Arne. And as far as parts people go. You don't even have to like cars to work there, my boss and 2 more of my co-workers hate cars....it boggles my mind.

Like Arne and Stephen, I have no trouble at the local Nissan dealer.

Up until about August last year, the bloke at the parts counter could recite Zed part nos. as though he had the entire parts manual memorised.

Fortunately, prior to his retirement, he made sure that his replacement at least knew what a Zed was and where to find the parts numbers.


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