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Got a 1972 RHD S30. THe starter wire that goes to the solenoid smokes when plugged in. what would cause it to do that? is it grounded out or what? is it a common problem also if someone has a RHD harness let me know id like to buy it. Email @ d_lauhoff@hotmail.com thanks for the help

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The white wire that goes to the starter connects to the Amp meter and the fusebox. My guess is that the wire is grounded near the fusebox or at the amp gauge. I've seen it happen before.

The insulator on the Amp guage wears out and the post that holds the white wire, contacts the frame or housing and smokes the wire. You should have an inline fuse or fusable link on the white wire, at the starter.

Here's how to find where the short is. Find where the white wire comes thru the firewall, there should be a single connector, up near the underside of the dash, that connects the white wire to the Dash harness. Disconnect it right there.

Use and Ohm meter to find where it's grounding by grounding one of the test leads and touching the other test lead to the white wire coming from the firewall. If the meter moves, the grounding is between the connector and the starter and easily replaced.

If the nothing happens when you test that wire, test the other connector that goes up into the dash. If the meter moves, the wire is grounding up in the dash somewhere. Reach up there and disconnect the white wire from the Amp gauge. This is harder because I think you'll need to remove the glove box in order to reach the connections back there. If you find that the problem is at the Gauge, you'll likely need to replace the Amp gauge.

The white wire that comes away from the ampgauge goes to the fusebox, so if the meter appears to not be the problem, then the issue is between the amp gauge and the fuse box. There are a lot of sharp edges in the 240Z, to cut into wiring, and hands if you're not carefull.


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