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After long time no posting because of time the last months I have new pictures to post finally.

My SU carbs and the cylinder head I got. I have to clean them and check the interior of them. The cylinder head is at the machine shop for inspection.

Now Im back in the datsun project.

Thank You EVILC.

Im not able to attach pictures at this time dont know why.

post them later.

Edited by Panamared
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Hi Dave.

I got this set of carbs to replace the ones that came with the car when got it as extra parts(N33 with Jaguar SU`s), the last owner change the carbs for single one.

And the cylinder head was useless.

In this picture I think You can get a better view of the little part I said it was out of place.

I start to clean the carbs either as shown in the pictures.

Thank You.



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Here are the pictures.

Take a look at the cylinder head, it seems to be a part out of place (dont know the name of this part I beleive is lash pad spring retainer, and dont think is to much problem to fix).

Retainer-Rocker Spring

See attached... #38

In the picture it seems to be, in the place it is supposed to be in.


Carl B.


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OK and to clean all those parts up (intakes and ballance tube) I would (and do ) use a glass bead media blaster. Or you can use a wire wheel on a bench grinder on the non contact surfaces (where the ballance tube mounts and the intakes and carbs mount)

Check out my gallory for some examples...

Polished carbs..... http://www.classiczcars.com/photopost/showgallery.php?cat=500&page=2&ppuser=4921

These were wire wheeled on the bench grinder, no polishing, just the wire wheel....


Theses are straight glass bead, no wire wheel or polish....


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Hi guys, Thank You for your help.

Carl. That is the right part and it is in the right place but the end of the retainer if you look close is not under the nut.

Dave.. Thank you for the pictures. Those carbs looks awesome. Im cleaning them first to continue with the polishing.

Any help would be super.

You guys rule.

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I agree with Dave about media blasting some parts with glass beads. It's quick and gives results that are pleasing to the eyes.

For the domes and bodies, I'd hand polish


Before (pretty much a basket case):


After glass beading:


Edited by DeesZ
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