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If you're talking about the rear tail light finishers, the 3 pieces around the lights then why can't you just take them off, sand them down and repaint them the grey color?

I'm only assuming all of this because you haven't said what exactly your problem is.

Personally I don't care for the original gray. First off , the flat is difficult to clean if you by chance get any polish on it. If you do like the gray I recommend satin or gloss rather than the flat. Saying this I am not interested in keeping my Z bone stock. I shot my finishers gloss metallic black.

My Z being Yellow it's a nice contrast . If you prepare the parts well, wet sanding and masking and using grease/wax remover. You should be able to end up with a good result. I did shoot clear over the color coats. If you have black/pearl on the rest of the car , why not do the same for the finishers. Gary

FWIW, I prefer the gray, but "to each their own".

I used duplicolor Storm Gray "Truck, van and SUV" paint on my tail light finishers and front grille. Very close to original color, easy to clean, inexpensive and readily available. The gray panel looks sweet with the gunmetal panasports!

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