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Earlier I posted about the findings from removing all the undercoating and finding this "area" that will need patching.

I took the car by the shop who did a little clean up of the site and checked to make sure their was solid metal to mate to....there is.

Am I wrong with assuming that if the floors and rail kit from Zedd were purchased and installed and this area patched that the car would be corrected in this area? The reason I ask is the car is for sale on Ebay and I stated in the ad that it needs new floors, and show the picture of where a patch will be needed. I do not want to mislead any potential buyer, so that being said if you received the car in this condition would you feel you have been mislead.

I can still end the auction since it has a day left and do a "re-write" but how would you phrase it so that the buyer has been informed.

Thanks for any input, your not going to hurt my feelings so if my ad is misleading please tell me.



PS....Here's the Ebay ad.





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Sorry, didn't fully read your question.

First, as you indicated, I'd cancel the current auction.

I'd simply state that there is some moderate surface rust in areas and show the pics. Indicate that it is nor rusted though, (if you are sure of this).

Should be good enough...

I'm still confused on what I didn't disclose......The picture clearly shows the area is question. Also, if you were serious about buying the car wouldn't you want a PPI (Which I recommend) or at least to talk with me regarding any concerns or more indepth clarafication. It is a 38 year old car, it's not going to be perfect.

Maybe it's just me, but I still don't see what I haven't disclosed.........:stupid:, if anything I think I've given alot of information.

I'm still confused on what I didn't disclose......The picture clearly shows the area is question. .

Let me try this again... Perhaps I didn't communicate what I was trying to say very well.

I'm not criticizing your add in any way. In fact, I looked at the original ad on eBay and thought the car looked pretty good.

What I mean to say is that as long as you have disclosed any issues with the car, (ie. the photos), I think you've done what is reasonable.

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