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240Z rear hatch body weatherstrip......

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I agree, kill the thread, it serves no value. I would also seriously consider whether or not Richard1 is an asset to our community. "Bon Voyage" Richard1. One more thing Richard1, learn how to spell before you join your next group.

Edited by 260zCaliCar

Once again, the "kill the thread" genie has popped out of the bottle. Why...because ya'll don't like the contents or agree with his comments? :cry:

He apparently feels the needs to rant about the quality of a part he purchased from a vendor and unless he breaks some site rule about posting here, he has every right to do so.

:bulb: If anyone agrees or disagrees with his rant, feel free to add your 2 cents or just ignore it, it's your choice.

Edited by moonpup

........the parts side of this site is a joke.

For the others who think they are bright and really innovative to tell me to get a look at Courtesy Nissan for OEM......well, I probably bought there before you did and furthermore to some Canadian dealerships

I understand allowing people to be upset and sharing their bad experience. I understand the need to blow off steam. I understand people wanting to warn others not to take the same path that they took.

The above quote resulted in this:


Hey Admins, kill this thread, it's absolutely useless.


The relevant component of the site rules are as follows:

“..... moderators of Classic Zcar Club will attempt to keep all objectionable messages off this forum.....”

Richard1's comments have been found objectionable by multiple people on this site... Sounds like perfect grounds to kill the thread.

I agree, kill the thread, it serves no value. I would also seriously consider whether or not Richard1 is an asset to our community. "Bon Voyage" Richard1. One more thing Richard1, learn how to spell before you join your next group.

Maybe you're right!

I find it objectionable when people toss in personal zingers to the discussion. :rolleyes:

Your right, and the use of poor English is an issue that has been brought up many times in the past, Moonpup, with all due respect, even you piped in on the subject:


Arne, our moderator has also commented on this topic:


Arne said "....they can't help or get help from posts which contain slang, txt, poor spelling or lack of punctuation. It really helps these non-English speakers when we try hard to use complete sentences, good spelling and proper grammar. Just courtesy, IMO."

I agree with Arne, good spelling and proper grammar is "Just courtesy"

If Richard1 wants to comment on things in the future, he too should use common courtesy. Do you disagree?

Look, I've obviously stepped deeper into this one then I ever should have. At the end of the day, I really enjoy coming online and reading the posts, learning about Z's, and sharing common experiences. I guess I reacted when I saw someone personally offend an innocent, valued, "online forum friend". I'm not getting any deeper on this one, if you'd like to reply, I'll look forward to reading it later tonight, but I won't be responding back. Now, it's time to try and make a little money. :)

Edited by 260zCaliCar

America is great.........it is a mix of cultures that built this country ...Right?

When you post insults and discrimination comments on grammar issues, you hurt members that have a far better overview about the world than you may think because you are short sighted.

Coming from around the world,WE are engineers, designers, architects who have been allowed to come in AMERICA, BECOME US CITIZENS, contribute to keep your jobs and bring technologies this country don't even have to be at the forefront of the global market....be competitive and stay afloat.

Stop bitching us coming in US to help to fix the mess you are in.....we keep your jobs from going in the drain.

For those who may be concerned, think twice before shouting insults to members who may have opinions you may not share.

Are you F.U.C.K.I.N.G. Kidding me? Who the hell brought up Nationality in the comments? Get over yourself. NOBODY Bitched about Race, Creed, Religion or or Nationality. We bithed about you bitching. That's all.

Once again, Kill this Stupid A$$ thread!!!!

Moderators? Anyone?

America is great.........it is a mix of cultures that built this country ...Right?

Hi richard1:

Actually that is not right. A mix of cultures is what you typically see in Europe, Central American, Africa and which for centuries has resulted in war, strife, class warfare and tribal divisions etc. etc.

What built America was an agreement among the emigrants that came here, to define and build a new culture ie the American Culture. For more than 200 years the great American Melting Pop took in emigrants and output Americans. Emigrants that came here, not to "help" America, but rather to help themselves. Emigrants that given the personal liberty and freedom to build the best lives for themselves that they could, knew that they and their families would be far better off being "Americans".

There are deep and fundamental differences between the American Culture that resulted, and the older cultures that had developed around the world in prior centuries. Two historic documents contain the building blocks of America. The Declaration Of Independence, and the Constitution of The United States of America.

People retaining the culture of their country of origin and thus becoming hyphenated Americans, aren't really "building" this country. Rather they are immigrants dividing America into diverse cultures, all working to promote their own good, to the detriment of the other hyphenated Americans.

There is an important difference between the words "immigrant" and "emigrant". Most politicians today want to blur the difference. They claim that "America was built on immigration" - it most certainly was NOT.

An emigrant leaves his country of origin and moves to a new country with the full intention of becoming a Citizen of the new country, and adapting the culture as well as the language of the new country. He fully intends to leave the culture of the old country behind - that is why he left.

An immigrant leaves his country of origin and goes to another country to work and/or derive the benefits from the new country - but then intends to return to his country of origin. An immigrant retains the culture and language of his country of origin. He sees only economic benefit to be derived in the new country, and nothing really wrong with his country nor culture.

In small numbers, immigrants can be beneficial to the host country as well as providing benefit to the immigrant. In large numbers immigrants have destroyed every country that has allowed itself to become "culturally diverse". This is nothing new...

George Washington attempted to warn the American People of the dangers of diversity. The dangers of allowing themselves to be once again "divided" by Political Parties, by Geographic Boundary, by Language, by Religious Beliefs etc. in his Farewell Address. Washington wanted us all to remember that our strength as a Nation depended upon our common culture - the American Culture and that it must always be our first concern.

People that fail to learn from history are destine to repeat it....


Carl B.

Edited by Carl Beck
Hi richard1:

Actually that is not right. A mix of cultures is what you typically see in Europe, Central American, Africa and which for centuries has resulted in war, strife, class warfare and tribal divisions etc. etc.

What built America was an agreement among the emigrants that came here, to define and build a new culture ie the American Culture. For more than 200 years the great American Melting Pop took in emigrants and output Americans. Emigrants that came here, not to "help" America, but rather to help themselves. Emigrants that given the personal liberty and freedom to build the best lives for themselves that they could, knew that they and their families would be far better off being "Americans".

There are deep and fundamental differences between the American Culture that resulted, and the older cultures that had developed around the world in prior centuries. Two historic documents contain the building blocks of America. The Declaration Of Independence, and the Constitution of The United States of America.

People retaining the culture of their country of origin and thus becoming hyphenated Americans, aren't really "building" this country. Rather they are immigrants dividing America into diverse cultures, all working to promote their own good, to the detriment of the other hyphenated Americans.

There is an important difference between the words "immigrant" and "emigrant". Most politicians today want to blur the difference. They claim that "America was built on immigration" - it most certainly was NOT.

An emigrant leaves his country of origin and moves to a new country with the full intention of becoming a Citizen of the new country, and adapting the culture as well as the language of the new country. He fully intends to leave the culture of the old country behind - that is why he left.

An immigrant leaves his country of origin and goes to another country to work and/or derive the benefits from the new country - but then intends to return to his country of origin. An immigrant retains the culture and language of his country of origin. He sees only economic benefit to be derived in the new country, and nothing really wrong with his country nor culture.

In small numbers, immigrants can be beneficial to the host country as well as providing benefit to the immigrant. In large numbers immigrants have destroyed every country that has allowed itself to become "culturally diverse". This is nothing new...

George Washington attempted to warn the American People of the dangers of diversity. The dangers of allowing themselves to be once again "divided" by Political Parties, by Geographic Boundary, by Language, by Religious Beliefs etc. in his Farewell Address. Washington wanted us all to remember that our strength as a Nation depended upon our common culture - the American Culture and that it must always be our first concern.

People that fail to learn from history are destine to repeat it....


Carl B.

How very true.


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