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I considered making a V8-swap joke,

but it just doesn't seem like the ideal environment...

If you're into tracking the early z cars,

Back's page is at http://www.zhome.com/.

Click on History from the left menu for more info.

Since this thread is still going,

here's a nicer shot of HLS30-00013

taken from a different thread from CTZCC.com:


The cover shot of Nissan Sport from Jan 2010:


And just because I just like pictures,

here's one I saved awhile ago of HLS30-00006, also from CTZCC.com:


First and last shots are clickable to photobucket for full-size.

I didn't want to disturb the size of the default classicz.com thread

frame with oversize pictures.

If there's a copyright issue, let me know and down they'll come.

I just deleted the links to the original threads and the pasta is ready.


Edited by fiveleaf
  • 6 months later...

Over on the CTZCC.com forum, Frank T has made a post referring to this thread. Seems he thinks that some apologies are in order. As this classiczcars.com thread was made in reference to that Connecticut Z Car Club forum thread, it's all a little complicated. But here's the new post by Frank T, quoted verbatim:

Well, it's now the first week of August and I'm happy to announce that Lucky#13 has safely returned home from Nashville.

While there, #13 was seen, scrutiniZed, filmed and photographed by every interested Z aficionado who cared to stop by. Nothing was hidden ~ the car was available to the public to see and examine.

Anyone with any lingering doubts about its authenticity (which were LOUDLY expressed last August) has had the chance to scrutinize the car openly. There should be no doubts in anyone's mind (however narrow) that this car is the Real Deal.

I will be very interested in zeeing some retractions, corrections, or outright APOLOGIES posted on the original Thread on the ClassicZ.Com website. The car was called a fake and it was insinuated that Rick was a fraud, who was trying to generate some sort of snake-oil scheme to make money off #13.

Now that all of the Doubting Thomases have had the chance to see the car themselves and satisfy themselves as to its authenticity, and have had the opportunity to MEET OUR FRIEND RICK MORGAN IN PERSON AND SEE THAT HE IS AN HONEST, HUMBLE, GOD-FEARING MAN OF INTEGRITY, perhaps (perhaps) they will find it in their hearts to retract at least SOME of the insulting and offensive comments they made about him on ClassicZ a year ago?

It certainly would go a long way in mending some sore feelings.

Some of the comments and authors which stick in my mind are found here, in case nobody but me remembers them:


Frank T


This particularly caught my attention:

I will be very interested in zeeing some retractions, corrections, or outright APOLOGIES posted on the original Thread on the ClassicZ.Com website.

I'm wondering just what it is exactly that Frank T. thinks should be retracted, corrected or apologised for? Seems to me that just about every comment on the inaccuracies in the ctzcc.com forum thread was justified. If anything needed correction it was the ctzcc.com thread, and indeed some of the mistakes, inaccuracies and misattributions as originally posted have now been corrected ( although not all of them.... ), which would appear to justify them being brought to attention in the first place.

A few of the follow-up posts caught my attention too. Here's part of one from John Taddonio:

Bravo Frank, bravo. Well said.

Not all participants on classiczcars.com are at fault, but there are a few self-proclaimed experts that are regulars there and are the most rude, obnoxious and opinionated louts I have ever seen. The way they spoke of #13 AND Rick was mean, insulting, ill informed and just plain rude. A couple of times I took issue with the mean spirited tone and was supported by some, but my calling the offenders out on the carpet merely drew their ire all the more.

Now, please excuse me if I have the wrong end of the stick here, but did John Taddonio actually make any posts in this thread? What's his username here at classiczcars.com? Is he actually mistakenly referring to classiczcars.com when he means the zcar.com forum...?

If there are any "self-proclaimed experts" here it would be fun to know who they are, and if they really are "...the most rude, obnoxious and opinionated louts..." he has ever seen. So John T - if you are a member here - please tell us whom it is exactly that you are referring to?


Alan T.

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