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HI, does anyone have a part number or brand of the correct battery? Shouldn't it be terminals to the front side of the car with the possitive terminal on the engine side?

My battery from auto-zone is terminals to the front with the possitive terminal under the pop-up access panel.


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Not sure of the (Period correct) battery, but the right battery is a Top post battery, with the Positive post under the inspection lid. With the correct battery tray w/ drain and tube attached, hold down frame (installed correctly and screwed to the firewall) the battery should site about 1" below the lid and fender lip.

Always make sure the battery cables are good and clean, corrosion free, clamped snug, and the ground (-) cable should be bolted to the upper starter bolt and the small black wire from the battery post (-) should also be bolted to the firewall.

Make sure the Harness ground is well bolted to a clean surface. The harness ground sits above the frame, 2" above the engine harness, below the battery area.

I think the battery should or is a 750 CCA

Edited by Zs-ondabrain
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I think you will find it's a 24N. 24F will work as well. The difference is the placement of the +/- terminals, and therefore the length of the cables will need to be checked if you are changing from one to the other. I'm running on memory here, so perhaps someone can verify.

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To prevent any arcing in that area I attached a piece rubber innertube to the under side of the metal gusset right above where the positive post sits.

Bonzi Lon

Ditto. I did exactly the same as Bonzi Lon with the rubber. The hold down bracket should be enough, but the extra precaution provides some extra peace of mind.

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