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240 vs 260 intake manifold

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My question wich one is better? For years I was under the impression that the 260 intake was bigger and better that it would give you better performance. But now I was told there is not difference. To be honest I put them next to each other and it did not looked bigger. Can you guys educate me on this please. Thank you:stupid:

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I have both an N33 and N36. The internal diameters measured essentially the same with my calipers but the internal webbing is shaped differently. I could reach inside the ports and feel that the newer intake webs were shorter and more rounded. The N33 webs felt taller and sharper. I'm sure it contributes to air/fuel velocity and turbulence in some way... but I don't know how exactly.

As far as which is better, it's impossible for me to give you a conclusive answer. I switched from my N33 equipped '73 for the N36 when I did my header. At the same time, I removed the coolant lines from the intake, and used a non-egr balance tube.

All those things combined meant the engine revs much faster and more freely than before. There's a lot of discussion about peak power gains but I know my throttle response is better and the butt dyno tells me I gained something somewhere.


Thanks Andy. let me asked you did you has a header before? I did the same as you but I put the N36 and Hmmm just do not know for me is hard to tell but at speed seems better but maybe is just me. I wonder if any body has try it on a Dyno. I may go back to the N33 and see if there is a difference. Thankx .:tapemouth

I also did my header and N36 at the same time. I suppose the right thing to do to test would be a dyno comparison with only the intakes changed. I would have liked to do that but that's a lot of time that I don't have. What would really mess us up is if the benefits are more in the intangibles like drivability or throttle response :stupid:

I'm sure we've read the same old threads about this debate. It was pure coincidence that my round top SU's came mounted to an N36 intake. I cleaned it all up off the car. I pulled off all the original parts, stuffed them in a box, and installed the clean intake. :beer:

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