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So today I stripped down the new motor and cleaned and painted everything and managed to get it in the hole... tomarrow some accessories will be installed but I'm still waiting on the header and all the filter housings.:laugh: I will try and pollish up the valve cover, carbs and intakes.




Well I finally got my header from motorsport. Fed Ex damaged it in shipping but I got it.... So everything is on and fired first try. Not bad fro all of about 30 hours of my time and a couple hundred bucks in parts, alot... ALOT of cleaning, grinding and rubbing. Its runnin and I'm a happy boy!


I can not believe how nice this motor runs... and how cool!!! My temp guage has not gone over 180 at ANY time. I did eleminate all of the carb hoses so only the heater core is fed. Driving home 30 miles from my budies house (he welded the exhaust for me) and only charged me a brick of .22 rounds, the temp droped to 25 degrees and I saw nothing of a problem. I am again enjoying the Z.

It's about time Kirk!!! J/K. Looks good, but you know I gotta ask..... If you had the motor out for more than a day, why did'nt you clean that damn engine bay, even a little? Sorry, you know me and my picky cleanliness. Motor looks great and it's good to hear that it's so much better than the 2.6.

Hows life and hows the kid handling things? You know we're concerned around here. Leah says "HI" and we hope to see ya before the Pass gets too bad. By the way, that engine color looks Awfully Familiar.... Chevy Orange? Maybe?

Keep up the hard work.

Dave (and Leah)

Edited by Zs-ondabrain

OK so it is Cheby orange... and I really didnt have time to clean the engine bay and yes it killed me to put that motor in there but I got it done with 2 days to get to Portland and start school... so I'm here in Portland and made it with 60 miles of shakedown and only had to replace the fuel filter on the trip from Montana. It is burning oil to the tune of about 1 quart per 300 miles. Better than the old motor but not perfect by any means.

I know, I know, I just had to give ya crap about it, cause I told you that you wouldn't do it. Rule #1, Make sure car runs. And you've followed the rule. Sure, she burns 1 quart per tank, but that's better than 2 quarts. Right?

And it's a bigger motor with less miles. Just toss that head when you get some extra cash. I might have another N42 in my possesion real soon. I might even barter with ya.


Well Thats just great because I just gave away every Datsun part I had.. I mean EVERYTHING... its all gone, the spare car with l24, all of my interior parts, heck they even took my oil burning motor that I didnt know what to do with. Wife is really happy because she gets to park in the garage again. The real problem though is I had to leave all of my tools in Montana.. just brought the basics. (just in case)!!!!

Cough Cough YOU'RE CRAZY!!! Cough Cough And to think, I could have brought the van over and loaded up like a Fat kid in a Candy Store. Damnit Kirk.

Well, at least the wifey is happy. And sometimes, that's all that matters. Or something like that.....

And now SHE's giving me dirty look #2 as I read this aloud for her. Welp, time to go hide in the garage. Working under a 1 ton car seems safer than being in the house with the wife, 2 daughters, and one of the daughters has 3 girlfriends over for last nights sleep over. HELP!!!!!!! I'm surrounded by the "Itty Bitty Titty Committee".......


Edited by Zs-ondabrain

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