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"restoring" original invoice....

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Hi all,

A bit of a random question I know but perhaps somebody's got a clue?

With my 1973, when I purchased it, I received just about all receipts since it was bought including the original invoice from Universal City Datsun along with the salesperson's business card... But cooler still is that also included is what I figure to be the original Nissan shipping record of when the Z left Japan and was sent to the USA for sale....

My weird/random question is that even though both of these items are neatly packaged away in an envelope in a hanging folder in a filing cabinet in the garage, and so far away from the sun, the ink is still fading on them. The shipping invoice is the one mostly affected. Of course I could scan it, adjust the levels to make the print "re-appear" and save that digital version for future reference.... But is there anything I can do to help better preserve the original?

Anyways, hope to see a lot of you on Saturday.


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If they are seperate pieces of paper you could have them laminated (not sure what the term is in the U.S.) Basically, most photo shops can take a paper print, run them through a machine which ads a clear plastic coat - rather like a driver license card. I think that would certainly lock in the remaining ink and prevent the volatile components from fading off the paper.

Search for companies that preserve artwork or antiques. Much of the old paper that was used contains acid which over time self destructs. I believe there are ways to neutralize the acid. Maybe you can contact one of the larger libraries and get in touch with someone there that is in charge of preserving books.

Laminating (called that in the US too) may also help by keeping the air from accelerating the acid. The only issue here is that it will not be original now. They make plastic sleeves for comic books -- maybe once you get it neutralized, you could keep them in there. You can still see them but it will help keep the oil from your hands off too.

Best of luck.

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