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Picked up my 260z about a month ago, and this morning it wouldn't start. It turns over fine(had to replace the starter to drive it home the first time), but it just won't start now.

The guy who had it 2 owners before me put in a really weird electrical system that's almost impossible to trace. I'v checked all the fuses that I can find(with the new electrical setup there's 30+ unlabeled fuses in random places throughout the car). This is my first z, but from what I can tell it's the stock ignition setup except for an MSD blaster 2 coil.

Any ideas as to what may be causing this? and even seemingly stupid answers would be appreciated, cause i'm basicly useless when it comes to electrical systems, i'm more of a mechanical kinda guy

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Have you been driving it all month? What kind of carbs does it have. Why do you think it's electrical and not fuel? Do you have spark? Could be as simple as a clogged fuel filter, if it's a stock 260z there are two filters, one inside the electric fuel pump and another right below it.

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I bought a car like that once -- an Olds Cutlass with aluminum foil stuffed in the fuse box and fifty gazillion wires twisted together. I assumed I could fix the electrical problems, being handy with electical/electronic stuff, but there was a lot more melted and trashed stuff than I bargained for. I learned never to buy a car like that. Of course that doesn't help. The good news is that you actually have 30 (inline) fuses.

If it were my car, I'd completely rewire it. You can buy pre-made wiring trees. I've never bought one, but I suspect it would come with pretty good instructions as to what plugs in where.

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well, just figured it out thanks to the night.

I tried turning it over a few minutes ago and it started, but it was missing like crazy. Then i noticed a small spark around the coil every once in a while, I went to take a look and one of the wires connecting to the coil was missing some insulation and on occassion the spark was jumping to that wire.

so I replaced the wire and now there's no spark jumping from wire to wire on the coil, and it runs fine. That also probably explains why I'v blown a couple of ignition fuses and why the car came with 15 spare fuses in the glove box. So hopefully it's a permament fix

sorry about posting something that I would find the answer to in about an hour. and yah, I would like to get a new harness, but I'm just 16, and don't have a job as of now, so it's a little difficult to get enough money to cover much of anything on this car.

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