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Poster artist

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OH get over people, I was fricken kidding. I was just saying I'd really love a copy. If I want 1 that bad, I'll go to Ebay and get one.

5 posts about copyrighting is enough. I was joking. See what I mean about needing an Emotion sensor on here. nobody knows when you're actually pulling their leg.

If someone finds cheap copies, let me know,


Hi Dave:

You may have been kidding - but I wonder about these things myself. if you go on E-Bay to buy an original - expect to pay a hundred bucks for one.

I happen to have several of the different ghost images that accompany the one of the car - and which were sent as a set for display in the Local Datsun Dealership Parts Departments. In addition to the one zed2 has - there was one for the Engine, Front Suspension, Rear Suspension and I think the Transmission/drive train.{I'll have to go dig them out and see what all is there}.

So as far as I'm concerned - the discussion/questions about any copyright issues are of interest. I'd love to see them all reproduced at reasonable prices. Reasonable would be in the neighborhood of $35.00 each - if on high quality paper using high quality ink etc.

On would have to use a large format high resolution scanner -then adjust the colors for fading etc.. then have them printed.. With four of five of them in the complete set - the cost might be brought down to $100.00 to $125.00 per set....


Carl B.

Edited by Carl Beck

Great Point Carl. It just felt like everyone was going overboard on a simple comment. Would be nice for the Den or Reckroom when me and the wife have a house WITHOUT kids.

I love Wolves, she loves Bengal Tigers, especially white ones. So our bedroom has Posters, pictures, Puzzles and stuffed animals all over it. And somewhere in between, you'll find Datsun and Zcar memorabilia on the walls and shelves.

A full set would be an Awesome Grout buy thing though.


I think this is the version I have seen on ebay before, but it appears to be by another artist http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Cutaway-Poster-Print-of-the-Datsun-240Z_W0QQitemZ130315711603QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_Car_Parts_Vehicles_Automobila_ET?hash=item1e576bf473.

Carl, let me know when you are ready to make reproductions of your set of posters. I would love a set.


Hi Mike:

The one on e-bay is a different one - and it's 16"x12". The originals are about 40" x 30".

I edited my previous Post - I have the Front Suspension, Rear Suspension and Transmission. Keith has the Car - we'd have to find someone with the Engine and Steering to gather together a complete set of 6.


Carl B.

Edited by Carl Beck
changed set from 5 to 6

In other words - dose the word "release" as in Press Release, or Public Relations Release... actually mean a release of Copyright?


Carl B.

I think we're all pondering this with a basic lack of knowledge. For clarification of terms, remember movies, books and music CDs are also "released". Unlike fish that are released into a lake, you can't do what you want with them after you catch them. Intellectual property rights belong to the original creator of the property.

So, the right way to go about reproducing the posters is to contact Nissan and ask for permission for "Club" use or ask about a licensing agreement.

I use factory photos of Porsche automobiles from the 1970s in a newsletter I produce. I asked the factory for the photos and they gave them to me with permission to reproduce the images in the newsletter. I can't, however, print individual copies of the press photos for resale.

I also reprint magazine articles about the cars from that era in my newsletter. Road & Track, for example, gave me written permission to do so within a limited time frame.

I've been doing this for almost 30 years and have only had one bad experience - when I didn't get clearance to reprint a magazine ad for a clothing company featuring a particular Porsche. The photographer for the ad shoot still owned the rights to the picture and was on me in a heartbeat.

What were the odds he would see the reprint in my obscure newsletter 25 years after he took the picture? Obviously, better than I thought.


Edited by psdenno
As it relates to protection of intellectual property rights - as I understand it, property rights that aren't protected and rights not enforced - can result in the loss of these rights.

I wonder - does an advertising or promotional Poster, or Picture released for Public Relations, or released as a Press Release and/or given free of any charge to anyone in the public that ask for it - still carry Copyright Protections?

In other words - dose the word "release" as in Press Release, or Public Relations Release... actually mean a release of Copyright?


Carl B.

Copyright is only forfeited if it is explicitly stated that the work is released to the public domain. Also copyright does not need to be defended. That applies to trademarks.


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