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yo peeps

my names sunny from team phoenix.

Im a specialist in the modyfying scene, mainly on the germans.

last year i built a 350z wich was an absolute show stealer!

Im getting into the z scene and could really do with some help.

my brother bought me a datsun 280zx and said here do a project on this.

she's a sweet example but im having trouble sourcing a body kit for her, my brother suggest throwing in a skyline rb25 turbo lump and running gear, i dont know cus she sounds and drives sweeeeeeet, the only thing is i want to convert her into manual transmission, she allready has twin straight through exhaust system wich pops flames at times (is this suppose to happen?) and a k&n air filter system.

what can be done and what is availabe?

please help as im soooooo confused!!!:ermm:

anyways i hope u guys ca help and i would love to build this project stage by stage on this forum, so it can be a joint venture!


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Hi bro, whats poppin son! If you wanna keep the stock engine this is the spot.id you wanna drop a RB then Hybridz. That being said there are a few good body kits from MSA aka Motor Sport Auto mainly thier Kaminari body kits. You might find more new current offerings from Japan though by other kit makers as well. Far as flames if its stock it shouldn't have 'em unless it was already modded up. If it runs good as you say than keep that engine and trick it out :) .

Edited by WingZr0

Also look into something called MegaSquirt. It's a EMS you can build yourself and program and operate from your laptop. Go to MegaSquirt.com and ask about it on Hybridz.com as they use it alot more than us here for those engines swaps they do. Exactly what ideas you have in mind and how for you wanna go? :)

Edited by WingZr0

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