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I have read enough posts in the search function to become dillusional. The orange air cleaner box on my 10/71 appears to be the same orange as the 110 body color. Does anyone know if it indeed was that color? and will I be chastized if I paint it that color?


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First, when new 110 was an orangy-red, often called Persimmon. It was not a pure orange. It did not replace 918 (which was the true orange), but replaced 905, which was best described as a warm red. Over the years, these three colors fade and change a lot. 918 frequently takes on a brownish cast, 110 tends to fade toward orange, and 905 fades to be much the same as un-faded 110.

The air cleaner color was not exactly the same as any of those colors. Of the unfaded varieties I'd have to say the 918 was closest to the airbox color. Other people have used Chevy Engine orange with good, affordable results.

Will you get chastised? Maybe. But it's your car, so unless you are concerned about strict originality, paint it as you like.

I think I will paint the cover to match the car. I think it being "off" just a shade will make it look awkward. And, I am betting that the vast majority of lookers won't know or care. I am keeping the l24 the original blue/green but the "driver motor", an l28, will have the block painted to match the car as well. I'm thinking it will contrast nice to the polished aluminum. I'm staying "correct" as far as visual physical parts, but adding some polish and shine for my own benefit. IF the budget holds out, it should be a really nice ride.

My painter didn't like the surface rust on the dog legs so he changed them out. Probably didn't need to. Somewhere back in it's history, there was an extremely thick coating of undercoating applied to the bottom of the car. I mean 1/4 inch. We finally found a dime size piece of rust on the right front shock tower so all of you who claim there isn't a rust free 240, you win. Regardless, I am very tickled.

I'll post a few pictures in my gallery as we go along. No need to put them out here really. Just another car. When it is finished or at major accomplishments, perhaps one or two.

It was interesting to look at the 3 different red/orange, orange/red and orange colors (110, 905 and 918), they seem to be pretty close in general terms. I'd have thought they would have gone with a more definitive color, perhaps a brighter red, something to set it apart a little more.

John.....It's Dupli-color Engine Enamel-Ceramic.....dyno heat tested to 500 degrees. They don't list a code number, but there were 2 orange caps and I just bought one of each to test. The match is perfect, the quality is outstanding and the unit turned out beautiful. I bought mine at NAPA. I'll try to get Brandon(Five and Dime) to post a picture as I am computer illiterate. Guy

<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/14049800@N00/3532385868/" title="IMG_1671 by RVAE34, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2178/3532385868_9003022b0c_b.jpg" width="1024" height="683" alt="IMG_1671" /></a>

<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/14049800@N00/3531569571/" title="IMG_1674 by RVAE34, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3349/3531569571_c3e5177a9a_b.jpg" width="1024" height="683" alt="IMG_1674" /></a>

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